Facing Skepticism

Jeff Tate
IBM CSC Thailand 3
Published in
2 min readJun 17, 2018
Bangkok, Thailand City View
Bangkok River View

The first question I received from a client stakeholder in Bangkok: “Why are you (really) here?” Reading between the lines, I could clearly understand the ‘hint’ of skepticism.

Have your motives ever been questioned? If so, how did it make you feel?

Well, I chose to use it as an opportunity to do further self-evaluation as opposed to getting offended.

“Why is Jeff really in Bangkok, representing IBM’s Corporate Service Corps, and standing before a room of potential clients?”

Am I a seller? No.

Am I getting paid to offer this service? No.

Then why? Why me and why now and why Thailand?

One lesson that I’ve learned is that it’s more blessed to give than to receive. So, why not me?

Another lesson comes to mind on living life to the full and taking advantage of every opportunity. So, why not now?

Thailand is a country far from my own. It is a beautiful country, full of beautiful people. So, why not Thailand?

So, when I contemplate “Why am I really here?” my humble response is that I’ve been equipped for such a time as this and am willing and dedicated to serve this beautiful people to meet any need that I’m able to meet.

#IBMCSC #CSCThailand3 #CSCThai3

