How do you innovate?

Roxana Ciupariu
IBM CSC Thailand 3
Published in
2 min readJun 25, 2018

I’ve been in Bangkok, Thailand for 2 weeks, now with the #IBMCSC project; 2 weeks fulls of amazing food, discovering new places, being amazed everyday at how smilling the people are, been surprised by how high the rate of mobile usage is (have you ever heard of Line? ;) you should totally check it out), but above evertyhing: working hard to ensure our project is a success and, when the time comes and we leave Thailand — that we’ve left our host organisation something to work with.

Now, you’re probably wondering what do we actually do … :) Fair enough ;)

We’re working with this amazing governmental agency, NIA — National Innovation Agency) to bring innovation to one of the main districts in Bangkok, the Kluaynamthay District (language lesson — the name can be translated as ‘Banana District’). Some amazing things about the changes brought to this district have already been set in motion and can be checked out on the corresponding Facebook page:

NIA works with this really cool university (lots of smart people here!), the Bangkok University, to make sure the entire district is connected (networking taken at another level, I tell you!). You can check their classes and some of the amazing things they do on their Facebook page: (mind you, some Thai language skills will be necessary).

Now, there are so many things I like about this project, that I can’t really pick just one. What I love most are the people (everyone is so nice, smiling all the time and they have given us all the necessary info we requested) and, of course, the project in itself; I mean, how often do you get to actually be part of something as intense as ‘innovating’ a district, in such a short time? For me, whose continous wish is to improve / change something in the world, I admit: this is the closest I’ve ever got to feel like I’m actually doing that. I can’t event describe how happy this makes me!

I truly believe I’ve been blessed to get here and work on this nd I can only do my best and work harder every day to ensure at the end of the day we’ve managed to deliver something useful, something interesting, something different, something which will ensure all of these amazing people keep their smiles on their faces.

(credits: all photos are from KiiD Facebook page)


p.s.: we all like to work together —



Roxana Ciupariu
IBM CSC Thailand 3

European #SocialMedia Strategist @IBMEurope. #IBMer. #IBMAmbassador. Happy 2 talk #blockchain, #cloud, #AI, #IoT. ❤ flowers, books, museums! Tweets are my own.