Improve your ROI with open source management on IBM Cloud Pak for Data

Shikha Garg
IBM Data Science in Practice
3 min readMay 31, 2020


Today, it’s slightly inaccurate to say that “open source is the future.” Open source is here, and it has already won. Open source has been adopted by nearly every business discipline, allowing developers to solve their problems effectively with more flexibility and freedom. In enterprise business, open-source is widely adopted, especially as products mature and vendors extend their reach.

However, variation in open source licenses and increasing vulnerabilities slow down the adoption lifecycle of open source packages at the enterprise scale, and there has been a lack of unified management tools to help understand the return on investment (ROI) of open source software adoption.

A little over two years ago, IBM brought forth a unified data and AI platform that delivered open source at its core — IBM Cloud Pak for Data. This solution brings together data and AI services that help enterprises automate their entire data lifecycle to infuse AI throughout their organization and improve ROI.

IBM always strives to leverage open source where possible, and with the latest release of Cloud Pak for Data version 3.0, clients can take advantage of the Open Source Management service. The Open Source Management service helps ensure governance of open source packages. It can help development teams manage a curated set of open source packages, flag for known security and vulnerability risks, help developers discover and collaborate on approved packages, and initiate approval requests for new packages. Learn more about v3.0 by joining our webinar.

With Open Source Management service in Cloud Pak for Data, developers can find a central repository of approved packages to build analytics solutions in a community-driven manner. Developers receive access to a curated list of 800 packages which are being used extensively by the IBM Research and development teams. They can take advantage of governed workflows to request new packages and gain insights into vulnerability risks associated to open source packages. Developers can explicitly map the packages with their analytics projects within Cloud Pak for Data platform. This ability makes it easier for the developer review boards to review the projects and applications based on the vulnerabilities and licenses compliance requirements of open source packages and eventually make an informed decision to approve the usage for production.

Administrators can provide approved packages after assessing the vulnerability and license information. They can get the holistic view of vulnerabilities associated with the packages being used by developers in the organization and take appropriate actions to improve the security risks and to make it easier for the developers to adopt open-source software.

Using Open Source Management service in Cloud Pak for Data, IT Executives get insights to understand the trends on what packages are being used the most, which developer is using the most number of open source packages, and what kind of vulnerabilities each project has. These insights help executives understand the return on investment for enabling open source packages.

As recently shared in the February 2020 commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting, New Technology: The Projected Total Economic Impact of IBM Cloud Pak for Data, Cloud Pak for Data could help clients reduce infrastructure management efforts by 65 percent to 85 percent while providing a three-year projected return on investment (PROI) ranging from 86 percent to 158 percent. With open source management available on Cloud Pak for Data, developers can continue to see improved infrastructure management of their data workloads.

Please explore this website to learn more about open source management service. If you’re ready to try Cloud Pak for Data for yourself, consider a 7-day trial at no cost.

