ASM tutorial : Creating Topology from Events

Julius Wahidin
IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps
9 min readSep 16, 2021

I do not have an inventory system, but I want to build the topology of my environment. How do you do it using ASM? That is a common question that comes up in a few of my past customer engagement.

This article will provide an approach to building a topology without an Inventory application. There are plenty solutions that can discover your IP Network topology by querying the network environment using SNMP, and ASM has observers to extract the information from such solution. However the idea here hopefully can be used as an example on how you can use your knowledge about your environment to build a topology.

This article assumes that you have some basic familiarity with building topology using ASM. If you do not have this familiarity, you might want to read a tutorial on topology modeling using ASM and Building a topology using Agile Service Manager’s REST Interface.

To build a topology from scratch, you need to come up with some way to model it. We can use our knowledge of the environment, for example. Can we derive the topology information from specific knowledge on how the component of the ecosystem interacts? Can we use a specific naming convention? In this article, we will start with the output of a remote ping. To make the topology reproducible by you, we are going to use an event simulator.

The model

A router typically has a feature called remote ping. You can set up for the router to ping other network devices for availability. You can then either query the router or set up the router to send the results to an external monitoring server. Events normally have a field call Node. It represents the object that sends the events. It can be a hostname or IP address of a Server or Management Component of a Network Devices.

Let us use a fictional use case. You just joined AFictionalCompany IT department and was asked your manager to create a topology of the company’s main routers and servers. AFictionalCompany has two main offices, one in Singapore and another one in Sydney. The company also has branch offices in Europe and North America. An Application Server and a database server are running at every office.

As a member of the IT department, you have access to the events. You noticed that the networking team has set up the remote ping from the company’s two main routers in Singapore and Sydney to all other routers in their branch offices. The result of the remote ping is forwarded to your Event Manager as events. You also noticed that each Application Servers and the Database Servers send Heartbeat Availability events as well. You also found out that the network team and the infrastructure team has labeled the router and the servers with location information.

To summarize, this is what available:

  • The remote ping results from 2 main routers in Sydney and Singapore.
  • Heartbeat Availability events from the Application Servers and Database Servers.
  • Location information in the events.

The simulated events

OMNIbus, the Event Management component of NOI, has an event generator called the Simnet probe. An OMNIbus probe normally collects from a network, or network management equipment. A simnet probe, simulate the events. It generates simulated events based on a definition file. The events can then be parsed and transformed using a probe rule file.

We will setup the simnet probe to simulate random link failure and random server failure. The random link failure simulates a failed remote ping, and the random server failure simulates the failed heartbeat. The configuration of the probe, the probe rule file, and the Netcool/Impact policies all can be found from the GitHub page for this article. Reading or Working with these configuration files requires certain knowledge in the Netcool Operation Insight.

To simulate the events, we have created all the nodes in the simnet probe definition file. Here is a sample of the events using the out of the box Simnet rules file.

Now comes the modeling part. One way to approach the model building is to extract the events and then apply a series of business rules and then push the result to ASM. Another approach is to enrich the events with information that can help our model building before we extract them. We will be using the second approach. We enrich the events using a probe rule file. The rule file inserts into the events the two endpoints involved in the remote ping.

Using the Server events location information, we create a logic connecting the Server to the router in the same location. For example, we can connect an event from an AppServer called SingaporeAppSrv or from a DataBase server named SingaporeDb to the router responsible for the Singapore Office.

Here are the events after being enriched using the new rules file. We have added some tags (not shown), to make the processing of it easier. Here is the list of events after being enriched.

The events now have both the resources and the link connecting the resources. Now we have some data that can be used to create the topology model. We have a few options for building the topology using this information. One way is to parse the events and call the ASM REST API to create the topology. Another way is to build a framework that we can reuse. We populate two tables, one for resources and another one for the relationship. By creating the two tables, we can enrich the topology with other information before we build it. It also provides us with a checkpoint to ensure the extraction logic produces the desired structure. Since we already have Omnibus as the events database, we build the resource and relationship using Omnibus.

We will be using the following process flow:

Here is the logic to build the resource and relationship table

At Every Period, scan the new “link “simulated events inserted into the system since the last scan, and populate the resource and relationship tables if it does not already contain the resource and the relationship.Scan the new “server” simulated events inserted into the system since the last scan, and populate the resource and relationship tables if it does not already contain the resource and the relationship.

The logic has been implemented using Netcool/Impact using OmnibusEventReader.

// insertResAndEdgeFromEvent
// To be called from the OMNIbus Event Reader and hence is expecting an
// EventContainer to be populated already.
// Expected to be call when ProcessReq = 101 or 102 and Class is Simnet 3300
function createOrUpdateResource(Resource,ResType){
key = globalApp + Resource;
Res = GetByKey(dtRes, key, 1);

if (length(Res) > 0){
// Maintaining the update time so state rows can be removed.
sql=”Update custom.a_res set lastUpdate = getdate() where Key = ‘“ + key + “‘“;
Log(“SQL: “ + sql );
DirectSQL(‘defaultobjectserver’, sql, false);
} else {
nRes = NewObject();
nRes.Key = key;
nRes.App = globalApp;
nRes.UniqueId = Resource;
nRes.entityTypes = ResType;
nRes.insertTime = GetDate();
nRes.lastUpdate = GetDate();
nRes.ttl = globalTTL;
Log(“New Resource Entry: “ + key);
} // function
function createOrUpdateEdge(From,Rel,To){
key = globalApp + From + Rel + To;
Edge = GetByKey(dtEdge, key, 1);

if (length(Edge) > 0){
// Maintaining the update time so state rows can be removed.
sql=”Update custom.a_edge set lastUpdate = getdate() where Key = ‘“ + key +”’”;
Log(“SQL: “ + sql );
DirectSQL(‘defaultobjectserver’, sql, false);
} else {
nEdge = NewObject();
nEdge.Key = key;
nEdge.App = globalApp;
nEdge.FromRes = From;
nEdge.Relationship = Rel;
nEdge.ToRes = To;
nEdge.insertTime = GetDate();
nEdge.lastUpdate = GetDate();
nEdge.ttl = globalTTL;
Log(“New Edge Entry: “ + key);
} // function
Log(“vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Policy started vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv”);// Called by OmnibusEventReader.
dtRes = “asm_Res”;
dtEdge = “asm_Edge”;
globalTTL = 3600;
globalApp = “Event1”;
eNode1 = EventContainer.Node;
eNode2 = EventContainer.NodeAlias;
if (EventContainer.ProcessReq = 101) {
} elseif (EventContainer.ProcessReq = 102) {
} else {
// Unknown, do nothing.
Log(“^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Policy Completed ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^”);

After processing, the content of the resource and relationship table is shown below:

Resource Table:

Relationship Table:

With the two tables created, we can use the same script as written in the Medium blog to build the topology. The logic is something like this:

At Every Period
Check if there is at least one updated row in the resource or relationship tables.
If there is, then call the script to create the topology from the resource and relationship table.

This is the code implemented in Netcool/Impact:

// runBulkLoadOnNew
// To be called periodically by policy activator.
// lastUpdate is for removal - if required, not currently implemented.
dtRes = "asm_Res";
dtEdge = "asm_Edge";
globalApp = "Event1";
// The insertTime was done less than 60 seconds ago.filter = "((getdate()-insertTime) < 60)";recentRes = GetByFilter(dtRes,filter,false);
numRes = length(recentRes);
recentEdge = GetByFilter(dtEdge,filter,false);
numEdge = length(recentEdge);
Log("Number of Changed Resource: " + numRes +", Number of Changed Edge: " + numEdge);
If ((numRes>0)or(numEdge>0)){
Log("Executing Bulk Load at: " + GetDate());

The asmRest Function being called is as follow:

// asmRest
// Expected to be called by another policy with the dataTypes and App being passed as parameters.
function bulkLoad(dtRes,dtEdge,sApp) {hasError="no";
Handle java.lang.Exception {
Log("Exception: " + ErrorMessage);

Log("vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Policy started vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv");
app_name = sApp;
Log(2,"Parameter received: " + app_name);
paramExist = false;
if (app_name != NULL) {
if (length(app_name) > 0) {
paramExist = true;
if (!paramExist) {
Log("Parameter not specified. Policy will exit!");

// Initialize the values of all the parameters and then start the Bulk Job it has not been started.

if ((retError == 'yes') or (hasError == 'yes')){
Log("Connecting to ASM has failed");

// By this point the connection is considered established.
app_filter = "App='"+ app_name + "'";
RssTbl = GetByFilter(dtRes,app_filter,false);
numRss = length(RssTbl);
log(2,"Number of Resource found = " + numRss);

r = 0;
while (r < numRss){

Log(2,"Creating "+ asm_entityTypes + ", id: " + asm_uniqueId);
r = r + 1;
} // End while

// Get the Relationship table
EdgeTbl = GetByFilter(dtEdge,app_filter,false);
numEdge = length(EdgeTbl);
log(2,"Number of Edge found = " + numEdge);

e = 0;
while (e < numEdge){

Log(2,"Connecting "+ asm_fromUniqueId +" : " + asm_edgeType + " : " + asm_toUniqueId );
e = e + 1;
}// End while

// Synchronize the Bulk Job

Log("^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Policy Completed ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^");

The asmFunctions code can be found in the accompanying github and not listed here for brevity.

The topology

By running the previous Netcool/Impact policy, the content of the resource and relationship tables are pushed to ASM via the ASM’s REST Interface. You can then use the ASM’s Topology Viewer to view the topology.

This is the topology being build by the above logic.


We have built a topology using events, and some location information encoded in the events. We used intermediary resource and relationship tables and periodically check for changes in the table. If changes were detected, we pushed the tables’ content into ASM through ASM’s REST Interface. This simple exercise created using a simulator so the reader can recreate it. It is simple, but hopefully, it gives you some ideas for your project.

Originally published at



Julius Wahidin
IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps

is a member of the IBM Watson AIOps Elite team. The team’s goal is to help design and implement Watson AIOps. All stories and comments are my own.