The Watson Assistant Guide to Multilingual Chatbots

Mitchell Mason
IBM watsonx Assistant
6 min readApr 23, 2021
Photo by Soner Eker on Unsplash

We talk a lot about personalizing assistants to your users’ needs, and what’s more personal than speaking in the language they prefer? You can’t deliver a great experience if users struggle to understand your assistant in a non-native language. This guide outline 3.5 (not a typo!) strategies for delivering an assistant that can speak multiple languages.

Strategy 1: Full Machine Translation

Automatic language translation has come a long way in the past decade, but it’s still not perfect. That said, in most cases, it performs more than well enough to get the job done. If the number of users requiring additional languages is relatively small, and your use case isn’t full of jargon, then adding a translation API, like Watson Language Translator, can get this done in a day’s worth of effort.

The flow is simple: a user sends a message to Watson and Watson sends a response back. We’ll use the pre- and post-message webhooks to intercept and translate in between.

Translation pattern 1 architecture

1. Take the user’s message

2. Identify the language in the message with the Language Translator Language Identification endpoint, and then translate the message to the language of the assistant

3. Get the response from Watson

4. Translate it back to the user’s language based on context set in step 2

5. Send response user.

We’ve written sample code that does the basics.

You’ll want to focus on IdentifyLanguage.js, PreMessageTranslate.js, and PostMessageTranslate.js for this pattern. Also keep in mind that you’ll need an instance of Watson Language Translator (and Watson Assistant, obviously.)

We’re quite confident that Watson will understand the incoming message with a high degree of accuracy. You can overcome any issues with the machine translation with small additions to your intent training data, and our classifier can pick up the rest of the context to accurately identify your user’s intent.

But this simple approach has a tradeoff in lower level of accuracy, and that happens when Watson responds back to the user. It’s difficult to translate personality, tone, and idiom perfectly. For example, if you intend to respond in a formal voice, the translation might be less formal than you’d like. The meaning is the same but the way it comes across is not. In some use cases this won’t be a problem. Where this does matter you can consider strategy 2.

Strategy 2: Translation In, Bespoke Response Out

In cases where a perfectly translated response is required, you can still save time and effort by using a single dialog skill for multiple languages, just like in strategy 1. However, in this case, you have a team of native speakers writing the responses for each answer. You don’t need to worry about intent training data, which is always changing and improving, and you don’t need to worry about your dialog logic, which can be difficult to reproduce or maintain a second copy.

With this strategy, simply add a context variable for the input language. Then, using the Multiple Conditioned Responses configuration on your dialog node, write a bespoke response with perfect tone and semantics in the response language.

Screen shot of Watson Assistant with multi conditional configuration. Administrators can train perfectly worded responses in several languages with this feature.
Sample dialog node conditioned on language

Note: add a final condition of ‘true’ to capture cases where the user doesn’t need a translation and the assistant can respond in the same language.

This strategy adds only a small amount of maintenance overhead to the assistant, while expanding your user base exponentially. It also gives you a higher degree of control over how your assistant will behave, which increases confidence when venturing into new territory.

Strategy 2.5: External Content Management System

Strategy 2 is typically the route we suggest customers take, and many of them have proven its efficacy in production. It gives more control without adding much maintenance. However, in some cases, bringing in language experts and dropping them into a complex enterprise dialog tree doesn’t go smoothly. You start to worry that someone inexperienced will break other’s work, or edit work they shouldn’t be editing. Our Enterprise plan has audit logging, but that only helps you point the finger, not prevent the problem.

A good alternative is setting up an external content management system (CMS) to store the responses in foreign languages. When a response comes back from Watson, it will have an English response, as well as a dialog_node_id attached to it. You can use a post-message webhook to look into your CMS for the associated response in a different language. This strategy allows you to bring in foreign speakers with no knowledge of Watson and let them focus on just translation. There’s a bit of extra effort to set it up, but it allows you to maintain separation of duties, and you still get a single dialog skill to keep your sanity.

To show how this pattern works, I’ve partnered with my good friend Francisco Riveros, who has developed an answer store/CMS simulator, and he’s awesome enough to give it away as well. You can deploy it from Github. This Test Answer Store is a node.js application connected to a Cloudant NoSQL Database, to store the content of the answers.

To implement this pattern, we need to set up a few things first:

1. Create a Cloudant NoSQL Database

2. Install the Answer Store UI

3. Set up an IBM Cloud Function to implement the pre- and post-message webhooks from the original git repo in pattern 1.

Creating answer units will look something like this:

Sample answer store response unit creation page

Now that we have all the prerequisites, we need to understand the flow:

Architecture for pattern 2.5
  1. The user can say something in a different language, like Spanish: “Hola que tal?”
  2. We’ll follow pattern 1 to translate the incoming message to English
  3. Watson will identify the correct response, returning the dialog_node_id as well
  4. The post message webhook will intercept the response, seeing the dialog_node_id and looking for a response in the newly created answer store. Assuming you’ve used our script to automatically create answer units based on your dialog skill JSON, your Cloudant database will have something like the following:
“_id”: “node_2_1616121150452”,
“en”: “Hey there! Welcome to my pizza store”,
“es”: “Hola! Bienvenido a mi Pizza Restaurant”,
“fr”: “”

Looking like this:

Sample answer store response units

5. Now the post-message webhook has returned the text based on node_id and language, to return the perfectly translated response.

Strategy 3: When all else fails, train a second assistant

This is the last resort. Just as you would hire an additional employee who speaks a foreign language when needed, you can train a second Watson Assistant skill to do the same. I suggest you resort to this only when the above strategies don’t give you the degree of accuracy you need, and you have a user base large enough to warrant this additional effort. Of course building something a second time will go much faster than the first, but over the long term maintaining two versions of the same skill, and keeping them nearly in sync is going to cause headaches. However, if you have a large enough business case to warrant investing in a separate skill to allow yourself complete control over every aspect of the solution, then a second assistant will certainly open up any configuration you need to get hands on with.

