Armand Ruiz
3 min readFeb 12, 2019

Welcome Watson Machine Learning Accelerator to our Family

We are pleased to announce that Watson Machine Learning Accelerator (formerly, Power AI Enterprise) joined our Watson Studio and Watson Machine Learning family. Watson Machine Learning Accelerator targets organizations moving from exploration and single-node development to scale-out production environments for machine learning and deep learning technologies. The key technical components include:

  • Multi-tenancy
  • Elastic distributed training
  • Parallel hyperparameter optimization
  • Training visualization
  • Transparent scaling from a single server to many servers

Learn more about this amazing addition to our family here. With Watson Machine Learning Accelerator you can drive faster time to results and accuracy, running in special AI hardware in the Cloud on On-Premises.

WML Accelerator comes with SnapML library. We have developed an efficient, scalable machine-learning library that enables very fast training of generalized linear models. We have demonstrated that our library can remove the training time as a bottleneck for machine-learning workloads, paving the way to a range of new applications. For instance, it allows more agile development, faster and more €fine-grained exploration of the hyper-parameter space, enables scaling to massive datasets and makes frequent retraining of models possible in order to adapt to events as they occur.

With Watson Machine Learning Accelerator as an add-on, Watson Studio and Watson Machine Learning clients deploying workloads on premises or for private clouds can now drive faster time to results for machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) workloads. We are tapping IBM’s pioneering history of innovation, in this case from the blend of software and systems from Power Systems to meet the today’s demands of embedding ML into business processes and modern applications. You can also read more here (greg’s blog) to learn what we are up to in all things machine learning.

For those of you who are coming to IBM Think 2019 in San Francisco, please join us:

February 13, Wednesday, 1:30 PM — 2:10 PM | Session ID: 6855A, Moscone South, Level 2 | San Francisco Ballroom 213

February 14, Thursday, 11:30 AM — 12:10 PM | Session ID: 7713A Moscone South, Level 3 | Room 303

To learn more about how Watson Studio and Watson Machine Learning help your enterprise AI initiatives, please download ESG Technical Validation Paper on Watson Studio and Watson Machine Learning.

We also started our Monthly Webinar series and the topic of February is about transforming customer experience (CX) with AI on February 26. In addition, you can also register here for our March 26 Webinar on Watson Machine Learning and Watson OpenScale. We also just launched our new Watson Studio Desktop website with a cool new Watson Studio Desktop Video. Or you can start the free trial of Watson Studio Desktop today

Armand Ruiz

Lead Product Manager IBM Watson Studio and Machine Learning