Have the Guts to Leave Your Job at the Height of Your Career Success. My Story Will Inspire You.

Transitioning from secure, meaningful employment to living, loving and learning as a freelance creative was a massive shift.

Daniel & Ibrahim
IbraDan Creative


Daniel-Ibrahim ~ As the National Project Manager for one of Canada’s largest charities, I led the most successful National Internship Program ever! If I could do that, then I could do anything. IbraDan Creative TAGS: Living My Best Life is Living a Creative Life, Joy of Life is Same Sex Love in Gay Relationships
Daniel: As the National Project Manager for one of Canada’s largest charities, I led the most successful National Internship Program ever! If I could do that, then I could do anything. ~ Photo Credit Daniel & Ibrahim

In addition, I had to learn to match spirit with commerce outside a well-funded organizational setting. But the price I paid was well worth it! ~ IbraDanCreative GetOut! Stories

My story is about decades of dedication to an organization and worthy cause, then finding myself suddenly out of work at the height of my career. What if what happened to me happened to you?

I was proud to lead one of Canada’s BEST National Internship Programs.

Of course, leaving a job that felt more like a calling hurt, but I was now free to do things on my terms, not my bosses. And, of course, that kind of freedom takes getting used to after a lifetime of working in a corporate setting.

I truly loved my work, my colleagues, and the clients we served. Finally, however, my career identity was thrown a sucker punch, and I was in a what the



Daniel & Ibrahim
IbraDan Creative

Get candid, witty, inspired writing to explore 'what-if' storytelling on love, life, creativity by a younger-older, eastern-western same-orientation couple.