Harmony Alert Bot Analysis
Harmony Alert Bot is being used by the delegators and validators to get notified regarding their status in Harmony open Staking. With Openstaking recently launched on the mainnet, a number of delegators and validators have already started using the Alert bot to get notified about their Validators/delegators status. Here are the statistics of the users that have subscribed to the alerts from the bot.
Total number of Validators subscribed: 44
Total number of Delegators subscribed: 55
Total Number of users: 99
What information is available on the alert bot:
Here are the main features for now. More features may be added based on need and community suggestion. If you have such a suggestion, please get in touch with us. We would love to listen.
Each feature is explained in more details below -
- Validator Status: Validator Status gives the details regarding the validator including:
a. Address: Displays the ONE Address of the validator.
b. Introduction to the validator: Displays the validator description from the staking dashboard for harmony.
c. Fees: Displays the fees charged by the Validator
d. Total Delegations to the validator: Displays the total Delegations to the validator
e. Median Raw Stake: Display the Median stake of all Validators
f. Effective Stake: Displays the actual stake value in effect i.e. within range of ±15% of Median Raw Stake
g. Median Deviation: Displays the Change of validator stake to Validator effective stake
h. Elected Status: Displays if the validator is elected or not
i. In Committee: Displays if the validator is in committee or not. Those validators that are elected are also in the committee.
j. Current Epoch Uptime: Displays the block signing rate for current epoch
k. Average Uptime: Average Uptime is the block signing rate for the start of the epoch to the current epoch
2. Epoch Time:
In the case of Harmony, an Epoch is defined as a term of 2 ¹⁴ = 16384 blocks (~1.5 days) in shard 0. The Harmony-alert bot will show you when the next epoch begins. This will help the validators and other community members better prepare for the epoch change.
3. Rewards
Rewards feature displays the rewards received by the Validator including:
a. Lifetime Rewards: This is the rewards received for running the validator node.
b. Delegations Rewards: This is the reward received by the validator for delegating the votes.
c. Total Rewards: Total Rewards is the sum of both lifetime rewards and delegations rewards.
4. Check Balance: Displays the current undelegated balance in the validators address
5. Market Status
Market Status displays the current market status for ONE Token. This includes:
a. ONE/USD: Exchange rate of ONE with respect to USD
b. ONE/BTC: Exchange rate of ONE with respect to BTC
c. Total Supply: Total Supply of ONE Token
d. Circulating Supply: Circulating Supply of ONE Token
e. Total Staking: Total One Token Staked
f. Median Raw Stake: Average of Stake ONE Token
6. Faucet: Faucet helps to get easy access to the testnet tokens. This will also be helpful during the Dapp development in Harmony. Currently, Faucet service is not available in Harmony.
7. Undelegations
Undelegations feature displays the undelegations requests by the validator.
8. Setting
Setting feature helps to either add a new validator and delegator address, remove the validator and delegator address or edit the validator and delegator address.
The Alert bot was also used during the open staking on testnet with a significant number of users subscribing to the alerts. The popularity gained by the bot during open staking on testnet is one of the reasons for the validators and delegators to subscribe to the bot recently after the start of open staking in the mainnet.
With the current features being widely used and appreciated by the harmony community, iBriz would like to get more suggestions for the features that delegators and validators might want on the bot. You can get in touch with our team members at contact@ibriz.ai regarding the additional features.
We are also one of the validators in the harmony open staking. Your delegated votes will certainly motivate us to develop more such applications for the Harmony Protocol. You can delegate us by going to this Link.
Please find the link to the bot: Harmony Alert Bot
Here is also an article describing the features of the bot.
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