Harmony Mobile Wallet — a user journey flow

Published in
2 min readJul 31, 2020

Current Flow on the given video represents the landing screen of the Wallet app where the user will first arrive once they install the application. Users will be taken through the intro screen of the app which explains the highlighted feature of the app.

The Intro screen will be shown just once on the first install. Then the User will be landed to the landing screen where they can create the new wallet account if they do not already have the wallet or recover from the existing wallet. This screen will only appear if the user has not associated any account in the wallet app previously.

In the wallet creation screen if user chooses Create wallet then user have to go through 3 steps :

1. The Wallet App will create the new mnemonics for the user which will be 12 words mnemonics and will be used to uniquely identify the wallet. User need to backup that mnemonics in any form so that they can use it to recover the wallet in another device if any issue with existing device or loss of device.

2. App will show the previously generated mnemonics in the random order and user have to arrange it in the sequence it was created to verify that they have safely backed up the mnemonics

3. Once the backup verification is done they will be forwarded to pin setup screen which will act as password for their wallet for next login which will also encrypt the private key and mnemonics stored in the device for later uses and finally the user is sent to the dashboard screen

If the user have associated any account previously then they will be directly send to login screen.

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