wallet — 5th Milestone Report

Published in
2 min readAug 29, 2020

Dear Harmony Community,

We have reached the 5th week release of wallet and hope you have had a chance to try our wallet app on android or iOS. Feedback and suggestions from the Harmony Community on the UI and QR code support updates were very helpful and appreciated. Most of the suggestions have been incorporated and we’re looking forward to more constructive feedback in the future.

Read on for updates and additions coming in the 5th week’s release:

  • Live in Mainnet
    In this release hMoney wallet is live in mainnet. Now Users can send and receive mainnet ONE Tokens and other HRC-20 tokens. Users have the option to toggle between Testnet and Mainnet. This will facilitate continuous testing.
  • Transaction History
    hMoney will show all of your previous transaction history.
  • Transaction Details
    From the transaction history page, you will be able to tap a transaction to see its details.
  • Biometric setup
    Setup your biometric from profile page to be able to login using the biometric.
  • Pin Change Feature
    Now you can easily change your pin used for login from the profile page.

On 20th Aug, we were invited to participate in a community call hosted by Harmony’s Co-Founder Nick White where we got an opportunity to demonstrate our wallet application. We further discussed the opportunities that we tap into with the implementation of this mobile wallet which is the first one in harmony protocol. You can find a recording of the community call here : . iBriz would like to thank Nick White and Manny Mccoy for this invitation and the harmony community for their presence and support.

Known Issues on this week release:

  • HRC-20 transaction list is not shown for the testnet since the API for the explorer is not available.
  • Added HRC-20 token cannot be removed now and will be available in the coming release.
  • UI clean up requires some features.
  • Switching the network does not reflect the changes automatically in all other screen and need to pull to refresh in some to update.

What’s in the next milestone?

In the coming week, we are planning to go live with our app with all the updates. Along with this, we plan to have a Q&A session for the hMoney Wallet in Harmony Community.

What’s in the next release ?

  • Wallet name edit
  • Remove token from the added list
  • We are also planning to add the Wallet Connect feature
  • Fine tuning app wallet -4th Milestone Report

Find more about the wallet: Here
Android Beta version of wallet: Here
iOS Version: Here
Provide us your feedback: Here

We will provide more updates of our Mobile wallet in the coming days, follow us on Twitter, Telegram, Website




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