Check-off these 3 items to kickstart a Blockchain career.

Jiren Yeo
3 min readJan 20, 2021


Photo by on Unsplash

So you are ready to venture into this new emerging industry of Blockchain? While it may sound like the next big thing in Technology, do you know why you are doing this?

1. Have an agenda, start with a goal.

Its starts by understanding the “Why” you are doing this. What is in it for you? Personally, I have a great interest in technology in its whole and taking a step back to visualize the bigger picture, it is a space that constantly introduces new ways to how we work and interact. I gained knowledge by simply partaking in relevant activities around me and possibilities starts revealing later in time.

My initial goal was to get a consulting or business development role in blockchain. I have since fulfilled both in my 3 years in the industry and have travelled to Dubai representing the Institute of Blockchain® to conduct a workshop back in 2018. In the week in Dubai, I got to have conversations with finance professionals and tertiary students who came with a mix of curiosity and scepticism. I vaguely remembered a question as to what is a benefit that is non-technology related to using blockchain, I responded with the preservation of nature and minimizing carbon footprint simply by going “more” digital and reducing the dependence of paper in day-to-day administration activities.

While we advance in technology we should also consider how we could align sustainability for generations to come. We are in an age where we are better informed with the transparency of information shared freely on the web. Which is why it is important to be involved with communities that shape our thoughts and define “what it is to be human, today” depth.

2. Communities and contributions.

I am in the 10th year of my career journey and often reflect on what has brought me thus far. The decisions I had to make and what outcomes were arrived at. I’ll briefly summarize into 3 points within this item;

  • Expanding your people circle — always be a mutual connection of someone even if your goals are misaligned at the moment, soon enough I notice people contacting me to explore relevant opportunities.
  • Pro-Active participation — people I met and support either became my colleague or we had a gig to work on together, one thing leads to the next. Likewise, should you be applying for a job in blockchain these are useful resume entries that give your contributions meaning.
  • Failure is feedback — we embrace the negative emotions that come with mistakes. Failure is simply a point in time where we pick ourselves up and persists with a goal in mind. Keep in thoughts of what needs to change to arrive at your goal.

“Don’t waste a good mistake, learn from it.” — Robert Kiyosaki

3. Learning kickstarts progress.

Learning is a way to adapt and update our awareness in the space, having insights allows us to take calculated risks and make informed decisions.

So how do we validate what we know? Where do we get resources to help us make choices in reaching our goals? Spend some time to ponder over these questions.

Here are some resources to guide you along the way or as a refresher for those seasoned folks :)

Simplified blockchain explanation —
Blockchain usage in covid19 — Harvard Business Review
Accelerated blockchain programme (2 months)— Get Certified

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Jiren Yeo

Eat, love, contribute… Probably that droid you're looking for.