IBS’s New Year Message

New Year Message from IBS’s President:

On behalf of the Institute of Blockchain,
I wish you a happy new year, 2020 will be a great year
and IBS’s resolution for 2020 is:

2 more accreditations
0 waste
2 key initiatives & more
0 failure

2 more accreditations -
We are the only blockchain institute that is already a training organisation under SkillsFuture Singapore,
NTUC’s e2i and People’s Association. This year, we are aiming for 2 more accreditations under the Institute of Banking & Finance
and IMDA. This will be a key differentiation point from other blockchain training providers.

0 waste:
We are conscious of environmental and wastage issues, thus when we first started we have gone paperless and cashless,
this helps minimized a lot of wastage in the process. We will continue to ensure our processes, documentation and course materials
achieve and embrace zero-waste.

2 key initiatives & more:
We started 2 key initiatives such as the world’s largest online blockchain repository, a global blockchain directory and
many other initiatives like 12 days with blockchain, BlockchainTerms. We have also joined ISO TC307 Work Group 1 — Blockchain Foundations
and Work Group 6 — Use Case, we hope through our initiatives and memberships, more people are aware and be educated in blockchain.

0 failure:
This year we are rolling out our first programme — Certified Blockchain Consultant™ and the first batch will be taking
their final examination with the NTUC LearningHub, we do hope the 1st batch will pass the exam with zero failure and we do wish to churn out the 1st batch of truly certified blockchain consultants.

Looking back to 2019, we achieve some. In the year 2020, we will do more, we welcome more collaborations, partnerships, sponsorships & moderating/speaking opportunities!
Let’s build and inculcate an inclusive blockchain ecosystem, you and us!

#IBS #instituteofblockchain #blockchain #blockchainapplication
#blockchainadoption #blockchaintrends #blockchaineducation #blockchaintechnology #blockchaintraining #fintech #区块链 #区块链技术学院 #区块链学院 #区块链应用 #区块链教育 #区块链技术 #区块链培训 #金融科技

