What’s new in the new norm?


The past few months have been a challenging period amidst the COVID19 pandemic, our professional and personal lives have been affected in ways only as individuals we could understand. In this update, we hope to catch you up on some recent news and our focus for 2020.

First things first, a health update! Team Institute of Blockchain® (IBS) is doing well and we are making adjustments at work and spending time with family. We hope that everyone is steadily adjusting to what might be a work-from-home (WFH) culture and that yourself is healthy and optimistic. The other who are going through a tough phase we are rooting for you, wherever you are!

The first half of 2020 has shown that we are ever more reliant on digital enablement as we saw an increase in demand to purchase our groceries online and have them delivered to our doorsteps. Retail businesses are operating online especially for small-medium enterprises (SMEs), commonly with the sale of physical goods through live stream auctions. We are in an age where are within reach of anyone with our mobile phones.

How’s the blockchain landscape doing so far? We are positive looking at signs of progress in Enterprise Applications and Decentralized Finance (DeFi) projects. The two are no stranger to one another, we see such combination in areas of identity and payment networks.

In Europe, policymakers are busy developing a vision for how blockchain could preserve privacy and be citizen-centric in the Digital Single Market. (source: Ledger Insights)

Stellar Development Foundation announced the integration of Stellar with Samsung’s blockchain key store providing Samsung device users with a secured yet user-friendly blockchain wallet experience. (source: Forbes)

Blockchain-based payment network, Project Ubin, which enables faster and cheaper international settlements has plans for a commercial rollout next. (source: CNA)

IBS is listed as a learning and training contributor to Singapore Blockchain Landscape 2020 by the Infocomm and Media Development Authority. (source: IMDA)

Involvements are shaping out nicely within the blockchain space and it remains our goal to educate talents and get them ready for the distant future. IBS is launching a preview of our certified blockchain consultant programme during our Annual General Meeting happening on the 15th August 2020.

We will be electing the managing team for the 2nd term, votes will be recorded on the blockchain. Do check out our facebook page for participation and updates leading to the day. Click here

