Regional Scrum Gathering Nigeria: Coaching Day

A Call for Support

Erin Randall
2 min readFeb 27, 2020


Last summer, I met a Dallas-based Agile coach named Aanu Gopald at an ICAgile-accredited Enterprise Coaching bootcamp. Later in the year, Aanu decided to chair the Regional Scrum Gathering in Nigeria, the first ever to be hosted there, and she put out the call for speakers. I crafted my proposal, sent it in, and received word that my topic had been accepted. Powerful questions in Lagos — here we come!

The stony natural landscape of Idanre Hill (outside Lagos, Nigeria) on a cloudy day.

But I didn’t stop there. Instead of just speaking at the conference, I volunteered to deliver a day-long workshop called Coaching Day, work designed to build the Agile coaching and mentoring skill set of Agile coaches and scrum masters in Nigeria. I envisioned a day of hands-on practice, of real-world skills, methods that I knew would change how agilists work with people, with teams, with organizations. It wouldn’t offer certification, but it would give Nigerian agilists a chance to learn some of the foundational skills that helped me to succeed as an Agile coach.

And I made the workshop free.

Coaching Day is us being the change we want to see in the world, really stepping in to live servant-leadership. You might have already guessed that Coaching Day is a heart project for me, a way to help spread Agile coaching and mentoring skills to locations where that training is not always easily available. I know how this work catalyzes people, empowers team, and creates value, and I want to share these skills with others. Coaching Day is this desire made real.

But yes, there is an ask with this post. We need your help to make RSG Nigeria Coaching Day a reality. I’ve built the content for the day in alignment with the ICAgile Learning Outcomes for Agile Coaching, and I’m in the middle of sending content off to be printed. However, I still need help with funds for the logistics, namely room-reservation fees and meals for the 20 attendees I can fit into this workshop. Agile Velocity has already stepped in to offer its support, but more is needed. Please help me to make RSG Nigeria Coaching Day happen!



Erin Randall

Erin is a coactive and agile coach, a travel junkie, a dog mum, and an avid letter writer. Connect with her at