Why a Sales Engineer is important for our growth.

Icalia Labs
Icalia Labs
Published in
3 min readJul 3, 2015


At Icalia Labs, we want to hire people who like figuring out original ways to solve hard, important problems. We guide our clients through an agile process, staying ahead of their competition and leveraging opportunities with digital products.

We’re building a young, fun and determined team that is ready to solve tough challenges and unearth possibilities with the greatest potential. In order to do so, we need people who love what they do, while being unrelenting in their ambition to learn more.

We believe that a great product requires best-in-class engineering and unique design. We also believe that a powerful sales team is vital to bring in new amazing projects and make us grow.

What is the role?

We are looking for a seasoned, hardworking, smart and over achieving Sales Engineer with proven experience and a passion for selling technology solutions to growing companies and disruptive startups. Someone responsible finding new prospects and clients through the exploring and enhancing of the sales pipeline.

Measures of success include new customer acquisition rates, quality lead generation numbers, cross-selling, establishment of procedures, and contribution to overall sales team and business success.

What skills do we look for?

We’re looking for someone with an always-be-closing attitude. Technical Sales experience, which may come in any number of ways, is necessary for this role, along with a solid business background.

It’d be great if you have a proven ability to forge strong, long-lasting relationships with senior executives, that way it’ll be easier for you to handle prospects and negotiations with each of them. You will also manage all technical aspects of RFP / RFI responses and the metrics and procedures to execute the sales pipelines. You will be responsible for everything from finding new prospects, scheduling the meetings, closing deals and communicating with clients.

We’re a close team, and when we’re building a product we work together. You’re involvement with the creative and technical team is vital to generate technical estimates for new clients.

With that knowledge and involvement you’ll be researching and implementing new ways to improve the sales experience, using and proposing new tools to manage the different phases of the sales department, thinking outside the box and constantly iterating the client experience as we grow and scale.

What kind of people are hired for this role?

We obviously need the basics: strong attention to detail, excellent written and oral communication skills (both in English and Spanish) to articulate and drive presentations with clients, ability to creatively explain and present complex concepts in an easy manner and great problem solvers that are thoughtful in their approaches. It is also a must you have a solid technical background, which means you have an understanding or a hands-on experience in software development and web and mobile technologies.

We’re looking for someone who is extremely passionate about technology and who will go above and beyond to search for new prospects and find business opportunities.

Get in Touch

We’d love to hear from you. Please send your Resume and LinkedIn profile here.

You can also visit our Website, Facebook Page or Instagram account.



Icalia Labs
Icalia Labs

The place where we share with the world our experiences, knowledge or anything in general that can help others building tech products.