How to be Your Best Self

Ben Heim
Icarus Unbound
Published in
5 min readDec 2, 2022


Find your individuality (source)

Capitalism is an inherently competitive system. It’s not hard to see it if you start looking for it. Take social media companies for example: they are all competing for a limited supply of attention, often using algorithms that promote outrageous claims and sometimes even misinformation that keep you scrolling. It’s no different for finding a career. If you want to do something that others are doing, you’ll be competing for those jobs. There tend to be three modes of thinking when it comes to approaching this dynamic:

  1. Being unaware of competition and playing into the system as it is
  2. Being aware of the competition and intentionally combatting it by developing a never- compete mindset
  3. Being aware of the competition and embracing it, developing a competitive mindset

Today, I am going to introduce a new mindset. On the surface, it may appear to uphold the competitive nature. But as I peal back the layers, I think you’ll begin to understand the altruism inherent to this mental model. The idea is simple:

If you’re not going to be the best in the world at what you do, don’t do it.

I touched on this in my previous post about the entrepreneur’s dilemma, but I want to dive deeper into what this means.

