Your Career Isn’t Enough

Ben Heim
Icarus Unbound
Published in
4 min readJan 7, 2023


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Finally admitting I don’t have a career plan has made me uneasy. But it’s also been liberating.

While talking to a clerk at the gym I go to, we eventually got to the topic of my college major. After telling her I was studying computer science, she inquired what I planned to do with that. The truth is that I have no idea. And up until recently, I wouldn’t have given that answer. But I did this time. I was quickly informed that I better figure it out.

What’s your career? Or, if you’re not there yet, what do you plan your career to be?

If I had to guess, you’re probably imagining a singular job. You do one thing for several years, get a steady paycheck, and then retire.

Maybe you switch jobs from time to time, but you do one thing.

If you’re anything like me, this doesn’t sound very appealing.

Living an independent life

I’ve started to make some money on Medium, and the passing thought that this could be what I do for my living came and went. But, I couldn’t forget it.

Writing about cool things for a career? There’s few things I’d rather do! Start crunching the numbers, though, and it becomes unlikely.

Part of the issue is how unpredictable it is to write on Medium. Some of my pieces…

