Blockchain Expo Europe 2018

Mitchell Peels
Published in
3 min readJun 29, 2018

This week we were attending the Blockchain Expo Europe at RAI Amsterdam. The event was co-hosted with the IoT Tech Expo and the AI Expo, which made for an interesting mix of tech-enthusiasts. The three were somewhat separated, though some of the attendants could’ve fit in any of the three categories.

Pictured: Our stand at the Blockchain Expo

The whole day there were seven stages with presentations, with an exception of the networking breaks of course. Some notable attending companies were IBM, ABN AMRO, Schiphol, Coindesk, Philips, Stratis, IOTA and Daimler among others, who were present on stage. Also Richard Kastelein, our advisor, could be found on the scene with a presentation about the what it takes to have a successful ICO in todays market. He made some great points about the key aspects of an organization and their effort needed to succeed and gave iCasting a nice shout-out to everyone at his presentation.

Pictured: The fictitious Forbes cover

During the two days we had our own promotional stand at the event where we could talk about our platform and our plans for the ICO. We hired four promotors through our platform to increase traffic to our stand and maybe as a bit of an example. The four girls had a fictitious, life-sized Forbes Magazine cover where people could stick their head through to become the cover model. While walking the event they have taken over 500 pictures of people posing to be the new crypto millionaire. This was all part of a contest we are holding, where one of these people can become the owner of 15,000 TLNT as soon as they are released! You can check our telegram for more information.

It were two active, energy-filled days where we’ve met an amazing amount of people from all different kinds of backgrounds! Some very knowledgable about the inner workings and aspects of blockchain, others who were interested to learn more about the tech and hadn’t really made a connection with it previously. It was very great to see some familiar faces from previous events in Utrecht and Lugano and to meet up with a few of our advisors and business contacts, like Richard and Steven.

With all the buzz of the three events there is also a great opportunity to do some interviews, as some news media found. We got to be the subject not once, but three times! You can check out one of them by Blockchain Magazine NL at the bottom of this post.


Pictured: A few of our team members and our four talent-promotors

Blockchain Magazine NL interview

