A Song on Lost Hopes

A poetry on one’s dilapidated hopes

Shuvranil Sanyal
Iceberg’s Poetry


Cloudy sky with mountains and a hut beneath
Image captured by the author himself

When Sunday evenings in the winter come to an end
And the streets are deserted
A somber statue of a guy writing a song
About his dashed ambitions.
He had been a wonderful lover while he was in college.
Comfortably courted his lady love,
They were believed to be the town’s lovebirds,
Only to discover that the love had faded.

He made an effort to mend the damaged bond.
Attempted to easily counsel her,
But everything collapsed like a punch
Like wind to the House of Cards.
All the same, he intended to study abroad
And complete a PhD there.
Got an offer there as well, but unfortunately,
An unforeseen tragedy befell his family.

His grandma was battling cancer.
His family’s whole savings were washed away
In the end, she was unable to
Leaving the family in a state of sorrow.
He tried to put down all of his thoughts
Because he wanted to be a writer
Had great expectations for it,
But his 9–5 work crushed his dreams.

He desired to have a life.
Planned to have a journey into the Kalimpong Mountains,
But his condition began to worsen
Putting an end to his dreams
At last, he wrote down his ideas.
Like a Lost Hopesong
He was crying all over his cheeks.
The draft drained him of all emotions.

© Shuvranil Sanyal, 2023



Shuvranil Sanyal
Iceberg’s Poetry

Blogger | Artistic Photographer | PhD Student I Poetic Storyteller