
A Poem About Heaven

Iceberg’s Poetry
1 min readMar 8, 2024


Photo By Atlantios On Pixabay

Is the other plane as depicted in our media?
A place with fields of perennials and biennials
Porcelain lights with streams licked by gold
As angelic beings covered in cotton robes
Carry fresh souls up into a city of clouds
Can you feel when you aren’t corporeal?
The tender heat of the heavenly realm
Do scents and textures exist when you are gone?
The subtle tickle of a curious nose
Would be weird to exist without
And the feel of sheer cotton and fresh leather
Beneath fingertips, these things are human,
But can we still hear the orchestra of life?
The wings of birds flapping
And plants swishing in the wind
Voices of ourselves and the people we knew
Oh, how sad such a thing would be,
To exist without sound during any lifetime
In Heaven, we could be
saints or just orbs of light,
It doesn’t stop my intrigued mind from
Visualizing it, searching for the image,
of the afterlife.

Thank you so much for reading my work and supporting me. I hope that you all have a blessed day.

