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Iceberg’s Poetry Announcement

Where the ol’ chunk of ice is and where it’s floating

Wolf Eberhardt
Iceberg’s Poetry
Published in
2 min readJun 25, 2024


Horizon | Photo by Aleks Dahlberg on Unsplash

Good day/tidings/morrow to anyone reading. This will be a quick update post on Iceberg’s Poetry, where it is now, and where it will be going.

Some may have noticed an absence from me in the past month. But, then again… maybe not! I am still alive according to most leading experts (some metaphysicians are not so sure). I will leave the details blurry for now, but I’ve taken on an undertaking that is going to keep me pretty busy until May.

With that said….
I had considered shutting down IP for the interim, but a better option came to light. A new ice king to watch over the the island while I deep sea dive for krill… a watchful sentinel with a much greater knack for graphic design and administration/team-building than I…
Uh, yeah, let’s get to the announcement.

Thomas James will be relieving me of some duties and will be revitalizing IP, which has been very quiet as of late. I have full trust in what he can do and I know that our visions align. I will still be part of the team, just a bit quieter for now. If my schedule loosens up (and it may), I will be more engaging.
I’d like to also thank Juliet James who will be hopping…



Wolf Eberhardt
Iceberg’s Poetry

Poet; Embellisher; Long Islander; The so-called editor of Iceberg's Poetry; Aspiring absurd hero.