Memories Freeze With Time

A so-called Poem

Shuvranil Sanyal
Iceberg’s Poetry


Photo by Anne Nygård on Unsplash

Moments held, an undying slide, like snowflakes caught in amber’s hold.
Memories that dance in sepia mild, frozen vistas, and a quiet night.

Whispers borne at the paint, solar-kissed laughter, faint echoes.
Faces engraved in glowing silver,
Names have been forgotten, yet they appear

to stroll hand in hand with us,
A promised land through the ages.
Soft and profound whispered secrets and techniques
Shadows sleep in dusty nooks.

A baby’s hug, a lover’s sigh
Tears that fall, upward push, and then dry.
Victories and fights received, every frame a story dearly purchased.

But time, like a sculptor, chisels edges and leaves its mark.
Colors fade, and features become blurry.
A silent image, a mournful hymn.

However, a spark ignites within the silence.
A mild glimmer that step by step illuminates the dwindled soul’s corners
And memories, over again, complete.

For inside the tapestry of days, woven tight in myriad approaches, those frozen moments, even though they sleep, maintain a deep promise of their draw close.

That whilst the years skip and the shadows develop and take their toll, love’s soft contact and laughter’s chime will reverberate throughout the road.

So let us walk hand in hand through time’s big attic, understand the whispers borne by using the breeze, and locate candy launch in recollections.

Though they fade, frozen moments
Are echoes of an unplayed love,
Forever carved in memory’s shrine, a symphony of life’s layout.

© Shuvranil Sanyal, 2023



Shuvranil Sanyal
Iceberg’s Poetry

Blogger | Artistic Photographer | PhD Student I Poetic Storyteller