A free Verse Poem

One of my favorite parts

Love, attraction

Sue Banerji
Iceberg’s Poetry


A man taking a selfie
A man taking a selfie. Photo by Adrian Swancar on Unsplash

if I have to pick a favorite part of your body
it would not be fair
but just for the sake of divulging the truth,
as far as some truths go,

one of my favorites would be
the crevice of your clavicle by your shoulder
where I can brush my fingers lightly
and hide my lips
I could easily
put my favorite dip (and eat
with some taco chips).
That little place keep collecting
hoard of kisses from every iota of my being
For the sake of understanding
as far as the understandings go,
one could erect a Kutub Minar
out of these piles, real high,
tho’ all remains secure in that trough.

I ravish the visuals of pulsating carotid
declaring with an attitude
that all is OK with my world
that exists in yours
and even though I know of death
these moments-
these sequined starry moments- confirm a life.
The convergence of your shoulder with the neck
has no specific point,
yet a convex context gives rise to your long neck,
and stubborn chin and its subtlety
where mischievous stubbles rest,
tickle each sensation that gets its own climate protected storage in my heart.

It restores my belief
I will always like the crevice of your clavicle
by your shoulder.

© 2024 Sue Banerji. All rights reserved

My immense gratitude to Wolf Eberhardt and Iceberg Poetry for letting my words be and to you my readers, I’m always so thankful for your time and feedback.

P.S. I will not have access to my laptop until 26th June. Till then, my editing and ability to read private notes will remain challenged. Sincere apologies🙏



Sue Banerji
Iceberg’s Poetry

"Be kind. You never know where n how will you end up." Me . A healthcare professional believing that readers n writers have a symbiotic relationship!