a painting and a poem

Seasons: Part 1, Cross Quarter

contemplating a seasonal threshold


painting by the author

in the first fertile eddies
of end-winter’s wrought-iron gales,
the lusty scent of sweet olive

A few years ago, I created a series of paintings and short contemplative poems considering 8 seasonal transitions as metaphors for the mystical rhythms of life. “Cross Quarter” for February 2 (or February 3, depending on the source) is the first in the “Seasons” series. I previously posted the last in the series, “Winter Solstice.” Had I been patient, I would have started posting the series with this one.

As with any short poem, spend time with it. If it speaks to you, let the brevity be an invitation to contemplate the words and the image more deeply. Perhaps it can become a doorway to inner experience and self-discovery.

painting and poem © John Allison Cannon

photo by the author



John Allison Cannon
Iceberg’s Poetry

doing what I can to add a little more delight and loving-kindness in the world