
We Forgot the Blooming

A Poem on the Colors We Leave Behind


indigo iris in bloom
Photo by Dominik Scythe on Unsplash

back in the spring rains
the irises spilled indigo into the world,

an effusion of sweet release —
then just as suddenly

dropped their color-spent party clothes
in puddles on the bedroom floor

and got to the serious business
of living under the summer sun —

we forgot the blooming,
and sundried breezes have blown

their dust away —

© John Allison Cannon

The poem began as a fragment in the spring when irises were in bloom, but when I returned to work a little more on the lines, the moment was gone and the bright colors had faded and fallen away.



John Allison Cannon
Iceberg’s Poetry

doing what I can to add a little more delight and loving-kindness in the world