International Women’s Day 2022

Mari Luukkainen, Head of Growth at — Be your own inspiration
Published in
2 min readMar 11, 2022


The last but in no means least interview in our Women’s Day interview series is of our very own Head of Marketing, Mari Luukkainen. Mari probably needs no introductions — she is a kickass leader and inspiration to many.

Keep reading if you want to know more about how she has broken free from biases and stereotypes to be where she is today.

What has been the driving force to get you where you are today?
Originally it has been the fact that I was not accepted as who I am by the community where I spent my childhood. Stereotypical representation of an accepted lifestyle grew as an anti role-model in me and built a need to show everyone (especially to myself) that I can be valuable and accepted as something that is the complete opposite from what I was expected to be.

During that journey I’ve done a lot of self-reflection on what is actually important to me, instead of focusing only on “showing the world” that I’m valuable to everyone other than to myself. I’ve found out that I find the biggest joy in helping others to grow and find their passion in self-representation and freedom, which entrepreneurship or a meaningful, balanced work-life can bring to you.

What’s the biggest challenge you’ve faced during your career?
I wouldn’t say low self-esteem because I work with numbers and it’s a fact that I’m extremely good at what I do. But being able to communicate that with confidence while also communicating that I’m not a superhuman. That courage has been very hard to build and it took for years. And by building that I’ve also built the confidence of my self-worth beyond my professional capabilities.

Of course I’ve faced a lot of challenges as a woman in tech, but I still feel as if the biggest challenges have been inside my own head.

What are you most proud of?
Finding an ability to be proud of anything in the first place. But when you discover that, there’s an unimaginable amount of valuable things you achieve on a daily basis that usually go unnoticed.

Who is your biggest inspiration/role model?
I’m focusing on being a person of inspiration myself. If you want to achieve a change, it needs to begin from yourself, and in order to inspire others to achieve something they didn’t believe they can achieve, you can help by leading by example.

What advice would you share to entrepreneurs for this year’s International Women’s Day?
Dream big but don’t keep it to yourself. Let others know about your dreams to be able to join your mission. Achieving amazing things is more fun together!

