Icedium Group
Icedium Projects
Published in
10 min readDec 22, 2018


Cold Fusion LitePaper

December 2018 — version 1.0


Cold Fusion is a first of its kind cross chain mining project. The concept of Cold Fusion was formed to incentivize a user to run a full TRON node. All blockchain environments are reliant on the infrastructure of its network. We have started with TRON and Ethereum networks in order to give the greatest opportunity to enter the mining environment.

Cold Fusion promotes the ability to run a full TRON node on either network and be rewarded in a token. This symbiotic and synergistic relationship between miners and the TRON network creates an even faster and stable environment.

Participants will be able to download the Cold Fusion install suit and configure their setup, from the dashboard they will be able to see all the information they need for running and syncing a Full node.


To date, the ability to attract operators to run full nodes on the TRON network has been difficult. The barriers to adoption have been the complexity to set up and the lack of understanding around the vital role of a full node to the wider network.

Currently, the number of nodes as shown by Tronscan is at 1491*, In comparison, the Ethereum network currently has 10453†.

This is not a fair comparison due to how new the TRON network is, but it does show what sort of numbers TRON will need to achieve to be able to successfully scale the network to compete with existing platforms.

A Full Node provides APIs, and broadcasts transactions and blocks, and it’s this vital service that needs to be expanded to secure and underpin the network.

Cold Fusion is enabling this expansion through its Full Node incentive program.


Cold Fusion’s global vision is to greatly accelerate the adoption of Full Node operators by tapping into the existing network of both TRON and Ethereum miners.

We are the first project to offer token rewards for running a TRON full node, and we are the industries first approach to mining on multiple chains.

The team has built the infrastructure to allow for the seamless ability for Ethereum miners to run a TRON Full Node on top of existing equipment and receive token rewards, and for TRON operators to run a Full Node and receive token rewards for the work they do.


Access to a simple and unified approach to deploying a TRON Full Node is currently not available. Very few people understand how to set up a Full Node and even less understand why they would benefit from participating in the activity.

Through any of the existing ‘How to’ demos or ‘Setup config’ files, users are left to try and implement this complicated program themselves, this will not help the sort of numbers that are needed for the TRON network, current methods can be time-consuming, and they come with a size-able amount of tech skills needed.

It is true that some community members have made demo videos that enable users to participate in running a Full Node, they are currently limited and there is only a tiny number available.

Our goal is to change this and bring a new level of simplicity to operators, who for the first time wish to become a vital part of the network


When platforms start they need to factor in many elements too when they design a network.They must provide for the current requirements but also keep future needs in mind. It is always hard for future needs to be correctly judged due to not knowing what new projects might need of the network.Cold Fusion has identified the greatest opportunity to scale the TRON network and increase its overall ability to scale regardless of project needs.By incentivizing operators to run a Full TRON Node and by being the first to offer this across multiple chains, they will facilitate a horizontal scale to the network.


Utilizing the enormous enthusiasm for the TRON network and by leveraging the existing scale of the Ethereum network, Cold Fusion has come up with a two-pronged solution to help address multiple barriers for running a Full Node

The solutions that Cold Fusion will provide:

  1. An easy to install, simple click and maintain, downloadable and exactable Full Node files, removing all of the more advanced technical skill needed for hosting a Full Node. A user will register with the Cold Fusion website, they will then be able to download the dashboard and config file for their preferred operating system, simply install the file, enter a few simple details to help identify them, and turn on their Full None.
  2. Multi chain token rewards, to allow for an exponential growth of users coming over to the TRON ecosystem via the mining program, Cold Fusion will issue a token on all chains it is running its program on, If a user wishes to receive their tokens on the TRON network, they will receive the TRC20 version of the token, allowing them to have access to many projects or exchanging them on existing platforms. Alternatively if a user wishes to receive their tokens on the Ethereum side, they will receive the ERC20 version of the token, allowing them to have the option of moving them to existing platforms that might offer exchange services, or they can shift these tokens straight into the TRON network via a project that Cold Fusion is collaborating with.

Rather than limiting the number of potential nodes, the project will give the greatest ability to bring as many TRON Full Nodes online.

The solutions will establish a way to provide real-world access for participants to take part in the blockchain. Once this is done, operators’ will be funded through the Cold Fusion mining pool.


In order for operators of the Cold Fusion Full Node program, the team has aligned with a token provider that is offering the greatest utility and functionality.

Icedium™ is a project that Cold Fusion has been developed with to become the solution for cross chain implementation. The token that they release can only be mined via Cold Fusion.

The Icedium group will have a framework of smart contracts on multiple chains to allow the seamless ability for users and operators to commute between projects on all networks.


At contract creation, Icedium will mint all ICD that will ever exist and distribute them on the current chains the project is running on.

3 contracts will exist on each chain

  1. Group pool
  2. Polar Shift pool
  3. Mining pool

Each pool has a unique and vital role within the Icedium ecosystem,

Group pool

Icedium’s plan is to release these frozen tokens periodically to align with platform growth. The pool will be open to investors of the platform in order to further develop and promote the Icedium platform.

Icedium will conduct a token acquisition event that it will offer for investment. This is a percentage based holding of the total supply of tokens held in the Group pools across all chains.

The proceeds of the acquisition will be used for marketing, development, and integration of ICD. The remaining will be reserved for future rounds of private investment.

Polar Shift pool

When users perform actions on the platform, such as mining with Cold Fusion to earn ICD or earning tokens via projects on the platform, they can choose to shift the tokens between the multiple chains available,

The Polar Shift pool will be the liquidity for offering this seamless transaction. The amount of ICD held in each chains wallet will always match the total amount of the group wallet and Mining wallet. This means the platform will always be able to back the shift transactions indefinitely.

The Polar Shift transactions will be stored on the blockchain and will be transparent and audit-able at any time.

Mining pool via ColdFusion

The mining pool tokens will only be able to be accessed via the Cold Fusion Full Node mining program.

The supply amount is set for issuance approximately over 8 years. The timeline may vary based on several conditions.

A user will be able to set up a TRON full node and have the option of being rewarded in either the TRON (TRC20) ICD token or the ETHEREUM (ERC20) ICD token.

Tokens will be released per every 3-second block creation of the current TRON blockchain*, this is devisable by the current average of the Ethereum blockchain of 15 seconds.

*current block times as of 14–12–18, as TRON change’s block creation time, the calculation for mined rewards may adjust.


The image below shows the structure of the 3 token pools on each chain, Icedium will create 2 genesis wallets when the tokens are initially created, These wallets will be viewable to verify the tokens are in existence.

Icedium Group TRX Genesis wallet : TDECcAbcdTcAM2vcfKm6rLqTskV7z2nj6M

Icedium Group ETH Genesis wallet : 0xDECcDEC1C4fD0B2Ae4207cEb09076C591528373b


Step-by-step process:

1. Create a Cold Fusion account:

The user will go to and register with the required information.

2. Download Cold Fusion:

Navigate to the download page and select the correct file for your OS. Cold Fusion currently supports Linux, MacOS, and Windows.

3. Install Cold Fusion:

Select the downloaded file and run the program. The user will be asked for some information that corresponds to the same information used on the Cold Fusion website. This will allow the software to sync with the users’ account.

4. Configure Dashboard:

The dashboard is where the user will see all the relevant information in relation to the Full Node they are running. Within the software, the user will have multiple options to add to the dashboard. Extra features will be added to the dashboard in relation to the project’s roadmap.

5. Running the Node:

The process of running the Full Node will be fully automated via the software. Simply press ‘Start’ and the node will begin to sync with the TRON network, Press ‘Pause’ and the node will shut down in the correct process so as to not corrupt the log files.


The interest and demand for running a Full Node are reaching an all-time high across the TRON community, as more and more people are becoming familiar with the concept of the importance for having a stable, efficient and scaled network.

One of the most accessible ways to get more nodes online is via Cold Fusion, its program and the Icedium token it offers for mining.

The options offered are intended for private party Full Node operations, although there is no restriction on larger scale operations utilizing the software.

Cold Fusion will establish itself as one of the leading TRON Full Node operations in terms of disclosure and transparency. Every variable related to the mining operation will be disclosed to the users.

Below is an image giving a simple overview of how the process will be delivered.



By running a Full Node on your own computer, you have the greatest ability to modify and configure the machine you use.


Access to your nodes management and configuration is only accessible by you, allowing the best security.


Cold Fusion is the cutting edge of cross chain mining solutions, allowing for optimization and maximum efficiency.


Using ColdFusion as you’re starting point for entry to mining will be a great educational tool.


At release the total number of tokens allocated by Icedium will be 100 million to each mining pool on each chain. The planned duration for all tokens to be mined is 8 yrs.

The mining pool is a smart contract set to release tokens through the registered Full Nodes. The frequency of tokens released will always be based off the block time of the TRON network. The number of tokens released to each Full Node will depend upon several factors

  1. Amount of Active nodes
  2. Amount of time the node has served
  3. Efficiency of node
  4. Extra features enabled within the ColdFusion project (TBC)


Overtime Cold Fusion will integrate new features into the platform that will give the node operator the ability to increase their percentage of the mining reward.

For instance many projects are coming online that will need extended storage to operate across the TRON network, Cold Fusion will build this extension into the Full Node program and node operators will have an increase in the token reward for opting into this feature.

This image shows a section of the Cold Fusion dashboard that will give the operator an easy to navigate menu, for enabling new features on to their Full Node.

IPFS will be a global plugin that many projects will be able to utilize for extended parameters within their own projects.

MagnetStock will be a global creative art content platform built on the TRON network, providing supreme quality images, photographs, graphics, templates, and vectors.

CasperPlay is a media content platform that supports the music artist, video producer, game developer, and E-book authors by letting them earn the profits they deserve. It operates on the TRON network.

Please visit to see the pdf litepaper and please join the conversation on telegram

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Icedium Group
Icedium Projects

The new base element unifying multiple chains into a single ecosystem.