Two weeks to launch 10,000 tests. How we joined hands with a medical center against COVID-19

Anna Penne
Thoughts on life and business at Icefire
3 min readJun 9, 2020
User interface of the new booking system.

COVID-19 has turned the world upside down. Companies need to react quickly and be flexible while operating in unknown territories. Here’s our response.

Medical institutions are now more than ever faced with the need to manage an urgent and large scale of incoming bookings for medical procedures. In times of trouble, these are institutions we turn our collective eyes to. To handle this unprecedented inflow of new data, medical centres need to react proactively and implement secure information technologies.

Estonian medical centre Confido set an ambitious aim of offering 10,000 coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 antibodies tests free of charge. This particular test allows to determine if a person has likely contracted the novel coronavirus. Although the test procedure itself is uncomplicated and results arrive fast, Confido needed help in setting up a brand new online booking system.

Two weeks and the service is launched.

In a normal world, developing an online booking system would be a walk in the park for us. The challenge turned out to be in the time-frame of the project — we only had two weeks to prepare a quickly implementable booking system, which would provide a good overview of both customer bookings and the medical centre’s own resources.

Our programmers Hans Miikael, Taavi Kalle and Janek working on the new booking system.

What is more, the system had to allow the patient’s health declaration and consent form to be pre-filled in electronically, which would minimise patients’ time spent in the clinic. Moving from paper registration to a digital one in order to minimise the time of possible exposure, can be of critical importance.

Our outcome allows patients to make quick and convenient reservations online and also receive booking confirmations. The staff of the medical center can use the new system to manage work schedules and navigate the easily manageable calendar view. Last but not least, the system gathers data and results of the tests performed, which in turn can easily be extracted as statistics for research institutions.

Easy to implement, easy to use.

Confido Medical Group was pleased that they could roll out the new service in such a short time-frame.

Tarmo Kärsna, Head of Confido Medical Group.

“We needed a brand new online booking system so that we could offer patients 10,000 free tests at our clinics already within June. We acted promptly and were pleased to have Icefire as the partner to work on this project on a very tight schedule.”

The system is extremely easy to implement. The tests are being booked daily and the service is running. Last, but not least, we got to try out our work ourselves. Around 40 Icefire’s employees got a chance to test both the booking system and service. It took exactly 2 minutes to make the reservation online, and another 2 minutes to take the test. Smooth.

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