10 Simple HR Tips for Small Business Owners

Ice Hrm
Ice Hrm
Published in
4 min readMay 4, 2021

For the small business owner, there are many important things to consider when it comes to human resources (HR) support. As a business owner, you want your employees to feel comfortable in the work environment you’ve provided, but the world of HR is trickier than that. There are certain federal laws and rules that apply to implementing the right solutions for your business. You need to make sure you understand and comply with these laws to ensure equality in the workplace for both employees and employers.

To help you understand some important laws and regulations, we’ve created an HR Checklist for Small Businesses. In it, you’ll learn the proper way to manage monthly payroll, effective hiring and training processes, and how to manage employee benefits.

Hire the best employeeDuring the hiring process, many small businesses hire talent in a hurry, based on a hunch, and live to regret that decision. And you can’t fire them just because you’re not happy, because they can sue you or file a discrimination complaint with the Department of Labor. Therefore, before you consider hiring employees, take the time to assess what is important to you in a candidate and make sure they can fulfill the given job description without any problems. Hiring and training an employee will be costly and time consuming.

Have an employee handbook

All employers should provide an employee handbook. This handbook serves two important purposes: to protect your business in the event of a disagreement and to let your employees know what you expect of them. Depending on the nature of your business, your handbook can be as simple or as complex as you like when it comes to explaining company policies and procedures, communications and expectations.

Give feedback and reward your employees

Small businesses should set performance goals for their employees and offer rewards when they achieve them. You shouldn’t neglect your employees by giving only verbal responses. You can reward them with festival or sports tickets or by taking them to lunch. Your business grows because you have good employees. Happy employees help reduce turnover.

Understand and follow HR laws and regulations

Every small business should understand the importance of employment laws. They protect the rights of employees and also protect them from harassment, discrimination and other wrongdoing in the workplace. Without this law, employees are exposed to other problems such as safety and inequality in pay and hours.

Keep all HR records confidential and organized

All HR-related records should be confidential and organized at all times. Employers should have files that include employee resumes, application forms, certificates, performance evaluation documents, and salary records. Employers must also maintain all medical histories, I-9 forms and leave requests.

Pay wages on time

One factor that prevents employers from paying wages on time is poor time management. Keep your payroll system or software up to date at all times. Pay your employees on a regular basis, at the same time each month. Invest for a paperless payroll system that collects information efficiently. Be aware that independent contractors are also subject to payroll taxes.

Hire a good lawyer

Hiring a good attorney can be helpful and valuable for small businesses. Mistakes can be made and employment issues can arise, which requires the help of a good attorney. Having a reliable attorney for your small business can help protect you from lawsuits or any employee-related issues that are out of your control.

Evaluate your employees

The purpose of evaluating your employees is to measure job performance and help employers determine if an employee’s skills match the job description. You can understand their strengths and weaknesses, provide training and development, and recognize and reward good performance.

Get employees on board immediately

Prepare your employees from day one of hiring. Speed up the onboarding process and prepare them for the company culture before their first day on the job. Prepare essentials, such as business cards and forms, so they can hit the ground running. It’s essential to brief your new employees on their first day of work so they know what their duties are.

Go paperlessGoing paperless will help minimize errors and promote accuracy and efficiency. All HR-related activities, such as time and attendance tracking, time and attendance management, and onboarding processes, can be paperless with the latest HR software. This saves space, provides automatic backups and is environmentally friendly.


This 10-point HR checklist for small businesses is just a guide to what you need to do as a business owner and employer. It helps you navigate and prepare yourself and your business in the world of human resources.

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Ice Hrm
Ice Hrm
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