How to use’s distribution Dapp?

Published in
3 min readJan 26, 2019

What is’s Distributor Dapp?

Distributor is a Dapp created by to help Bounty Managers/Owners of ICO’s or STO’s, to send tokens to the their users efficiently and cost effectively(Cheap). It provides a user friendly interface so you don’t have to be a programmer to be able to send the tokens. All you need is an excel/google sheet, in which you have all the addresses with their respective amount of tokens. Below:

Google Sheets

Step 1) Getting the Data in right format

Bounty managers keep data of the bounty hunters in google sheets for easy access, and as the data is already in column format so no need to do any changes to it. For reference purposes check the sheets image above. Also here are some addresses with their respective amounts:

Step 2) Installing and setting up Metamask

If you already have Metamask then skip to step 2.

To install Metamask go to and download the extension, once installed create an account.

Step 3) Adding Token

Go to you’ll be asked to connect your account to, click on connect.

Once you’ve got your sheet readied and have connected your account, you have to simply add your token, don’t worry it’s all automatic and happens within seconds.

A modal should automatically pop up. Paste your token address in the “Token Contract Address” input field, the rest of the data will be fetched automatically. Once all the data has been fetched, click on “ADD” button.

A new smaller modal should open showing you the price for adding a token. Click on “PAY & ADD TOKEN”. Confirm the transaction in Metamask. Once the transaction gets successfully mined the tokens symbol should appear with the current amount of token that you posses in that specific address. If it doesn’t, reload the page and wait for a few seconds.

(When you are buying the slot the price might not be as shown in the image shown to the left)

Now that all the boring part is behind us we can finally focus on sending the tokens to the users. Go to your excel/google sheet file and copy the column of addresses(Please only copy 1000 or less than 1000 as processing data more than that would slow your browser).

Correct format of data.

Paste the copied addresses in the address field(Bear in mind each line must contain only one address any more than that will cause neither of the addresses to receive their tokens). Do the same for the amounts. A counter above the Text Fields shows you the number of addresses and amounts in the current Text Field. Use this to make sure you have copied the data correctly. Check left for correct format.

Click on “DISTRIBUTE”, approve the tokens in the Metamask window, once approved, another Metamask window should open(Or if you’ve pasted more than 250 addresses at a time it will open more than once) confirm them/it.

Congratulations on your first distribution.

Depending on the network, it can take from ~2–12 minutes for each transaction to be successful.

If you have any problems or questions you can contact me:

Telegram: ice_man0




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A Smart Contracts Company working on changing the world with Blockchain.

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