Welcome Aboard

Hello ICF Web Community.

4 min readSep 22, 2016

This is our first post in what hopefully will become the place to go — no matter if you are an editor, an administrator, a developer or just interested in what’s going on behind the scene at ICF Church.

We were hard at work to stabilise our code-base, to improve communications and become more transparent.

In the last months, we have come a long way — and we are still moving forward. Are you with us?

Shooting into the dark

Do you know that awkward feeling when you are talking to someone who is not able to multitask. That annoying silence. Did he even hear what I said?

Hello? Anybody out there?

We know, working with us sometimes felt like that. And we want to appologize and improve. People reported bugs and never heard of them again. Maybe they got resolved. Maybe not. We used a complicated set of tools and websites to communicate, collect and track issues.

That’s why we moved all of our code, all bugs and feature requests and all of our documentation over to one central location. We have a public group everyone can be a part. For security reasons the project is still private, but you can request access and get all the benefits, like an awesome issue-board.

No more shooting into the dark.

The Awesome-Issue-Board™ — See what’s going on: https://gitlab.com/icf-website/wordpress/board

Here, everyone who is part of the project can add a bug, comment on issues or request a feature.

At the same time, we worked hard to resolve the most glaring issues that where lingering since close to forever, commiting close to 600 code-changes since the beginning of the year. And we started reporting our improvements with regular release-notes.

And now, for the first time, our code lives side-by-side with the your bug-reports, enabling you to contribute your own fixes and to get realtime updates when we change code affecting your issue. The documentation on how to setup, maintain and run your website is also right there.

Speaking of which, we know it can be improved and misses many things — we need your help.

Documentation — Issues — Code … All in one central place for you.

Simple to get started

We updated and simplified our website icf-avantgarde to have an easy starting point for everyone interested in the icf-website. You can even report bugs or request support on a new form right there.


But we encourage you to join us on gitlab.com.

Part of the creative Community

We are part of a greater community here at ICF Church that is creating beautiful things…

ICF Creative Launch Teaser

As such, we want to share our know-how with the community and connect to the creative minds out there.

Minds like yours.

That’s why we opened up our closed Facebook Group and created a new public Facebook Page — and we will start to offer direct insights into our work. You are welcome to join us next Thursday here in Zurich at the Team Night United.

Here we want to share our knowledge — or the things we don’t yet know.

From now on

Our work in the past months has been the foundation for what’s to come. We want to be more open, more communicative and closer to you than ever before.

There are exciting things to come soon.

We want you on board. Welcome.

Thanks for reading.

If you like to stay up to date, please consider following and ♥︎ this story.

MEDIUMWhere we share.
GITLAB — Where we collaborate.
FACEBOOK — Where we connect.




Noël from Noevu GmbH | Experienced website and online marketing expert | Supports SMEs in the digital age | Tailor-made solutions. 🚀 www.noevu.ch