iChhori - Breaking Stereotypes
Published in
3 min readMay 12, 2021


Rapidly increasing Anxiety cases in adolescents today weren’t seen in the same breathtaking numbers before! Some researchers say that more than 70% of teenagers today are open to speaking on such delicate topics because of the right education.

According to the CDC, from 2018 to 2019, more than 7% of the children falling under the age group of 13 to 18 were diagnosed with anxiety disorders. With the additional number of teenagers, the number increased to 10.5% all over.’

As revealed by one of the main coordinators of the Anxiety and Depression Association of America named Richa Bhatia, — ‘More than 15 to 30% of the U.S. adolescents get affected by the anxiety disorders.’

Well, the stats in India as well aren’t any far in terms of numbers. More than 25% of the Indians teens on average reportedly faced anxiety disorders in the last two years.

‘Anxiety can give birth to depression, if not treated on time! It’s a sensitive topic, a hidden wound dwelling on our minds!’

Moving forward to the proper stats of U.S anxiety and what may be the causes of the anxiety globally.

Symptoms of Anxiety: According to ‘Tabatha Chansard’

Known for her excellence as the clinical psychologist apart from being the author of Conquer Anxiety Workbook for Teens, — the following symptoms are the signs of dangers of anxiety -

  • Difficulty in Breathing
  • Nausea
  • Sudden Body Shaking
  • Fumbling while speaking
  • Sweating time and again
  • Fast Heartbeat
  • Sleeping Disorders
  • Mind running with thoughts
  • Pain in the Abdominal area
  • Heightened Physical Turmoil
  • Poor Appetite

Anxiety in America: ‘banyanmentalhealth.com’

According to ‘banyanmentalhealth.com,’ teen anxiety in America has shown a tremendous amount of increase in the last five years. As per the survey,

  • America stands at number one position in having the highest rate of anxieties i.e., 6.64% in common to other countries.
  • Social Anxiety Disorder has trapped almost 15 million U.S. people.
  • Almost 3.8 million Americans have come under the trap of Generalized Anxiety Disorder.
  • The Specific Phobia Disorder has invaded almost 19 million Americans.
  • Panic Disorder has been common among the 6 million Americans.

What’s causing the rise in teenager females severe anxiety?

Multiple scenarios can lead to teenager anxiety. Let’s discuss each of them one by one below -

1.The feeling of misunderstood — Parent/Child Generation Gap

Parents often fail to understand what teenagers want and how to handle them.

According to the teenager researchers, ‘More than 60% of the teens feels unwelcomed, unloved and unheard at their homes. They say that their opinions don’t matter to the elder household people which leads them under stress and trapped in the wings of anxiety.’

Parents often create boundaries especially when their child becomes teenagers to control completely but this leads to backfiring them.

According to the research studies, — ‘Teenagers where they are misunderstood, are more likely to take help of substance abuse, sexual intercourse, and crimes to handle their frustration. This often leads to the increased anxieties in them.’

2.Hormonal Changes

Teenage girls face hormonal shifts because of menstruation and teenage boys undergo hormonal changes because of testosterone.

According to the researches, ‘Majority of the teens due to the lack of understanding in how to deal with such emotions, they naturally get themselves into the trap of anxiety and stress.’

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3.Peer Pressure/Competition

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Image Source: Discoverymood

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iChhori - Breaking Stereotypes
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About iChhori represents all those females who do NOT believe in stereotypes.