A review on Vitamin D Deficiency and Natural Remedies

Published in
2 min readJan 22, 2019

Nowadays, people cover their entire body while driving outside to protect themselves from dust and pollution. They also protect their skin from sun damage by using sunscreen lotions, as they are worried about looking good. But in doing so, they are not aware of the vitamin D deficiency that results due to lack of sun exposure. Sunscreens with SPF 30 reduces vitamin D synthesis in the skin by more than 95 %.

Vitamin D Deficiency is the most common vitamin deficiency seen in people, but most of them fail to recognize it. Vitamin D is essential for calcium absorption and maintaining bone health. Sunlight is one of the major sources of vitamin D. Vitamin D supplements are also available over-the-counter.

I thought of sharing my personal experience here,

I have been suffering from loss of energy, tiredness, hormonal imbalance, and stress. I faced extreme difficulties in simple activities like daily chores, walking, and lifting things. I visited many hospitals to know the exact cause of my symptoms, where I was given tablets for all the above symptoms, but none of them worked. During a routine check-up, I came to know that I have a vitamin deficiency, for which I was told to take Vitamin D supplements. But, I decided not to take more medicines because I am already on a lot of pills for other health conditions. So, I decided to include natural vitamin supplements in my diet. I started taking foods that are rich in vitamin D, and I would stand under the sun for 20 minutes every day. Gradually, my symptoms faded away with the help of these natural remedies.

Taking vitamin-rich food and 20 minutes of sun exposure is essential for maintaining healthy vitamin D levels. You should also do 30 minutes of physical exercise every day. Take vitamin-rich food like milk, egg, butter, meat, yeast, mushrooms, fish, etc., to stay healthy.




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