ICO Alert Crypto Minute: May 17, 2018

In Today’s Crypto Minute: Square CEO “hopes “ Bitcoin will be web’s ‘native currency,’ Polymath attempting to buy stake in real Stock Exchange.

Zach Quezada
ICO Alert
2 min readMay 17, 2018


Square CEO — Bitcoin May Become Web’s ‘Currency’

According to Coindesk, while speaking at the 2018 Consensus conference in New York City, Square CEO Jack Dorsey made claims that he believes Bitcoin may one day be the internet’s ‘native currency’.

“I’m just approaching with the principle that the Internet deserves a native currency. It will have a native currency…I hope it will be bitcoin. I’m a huge fan.” — Jack Dorsey

Polymath Is Trying to Buy a Stake In a Real Stock Exchange

According to Coindesk, the security token platform Polymath will look to acquire a large stake in the Barbados Stock Exchange, as well work with tZero on alternative trading system plans. This comes on the heels of Polymath acquiring the domain Tokens.com. With these moves Polymath will look to become the largest player in the issuance of tokenized securities.

Texas Shuts Down ICO that Used Fake Jennifer Aniston Endorsement

According to CCN.com, the Texas State Securities Board has shut down the ICO for Wind Wide Coin after the website allegedly used fake endorsements from multiple celebrities to promote the token sale, including using the likeness of Jennifer Aniston. The emergency cease-and-desist order was filed on Wednesday, and alleges that Wind Wide Coin used photographs of Aniston and other known celebrities to deceive investors.

Dated pulled from CoinMarketCap.com at 11:30 a.m.
Dated pulled from CoinMarketCap.com at 11:30 a.m.
Dated pulled from CoinMarketCap.com at 11:30 a.m.
Date pulled from ICOAlert.com

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