The Winklevoss brothers donated $ 130,000 to the governor of New York before receiving BitLicense

ICO & Crypto News
ICO & Crypto News
Published in
2 min readJul 22, 2018

Gemini became the first managed cryptocurrency exchange plugging in the list traded chinks of ZCash. And its proprietors, brothers Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss, $130 thousands endowed on the hustings governor of the state New York Andrew Cuomo, being in this position already two terms and declaring intention to take part in elections governor in November, 2018. It would seem, nothing reprehensible, but the American MASS-MEDIA found out that offering had taken place shortly before and soon after the receipt of license, and considered such coincidence suspicious.

From data of New York Post, the Winklevoss twins enumerated $100 thousand in April, 2018 and yet $30 thousand in June. And already on May, 14, between the first and second payments, State Department of Financial Services the New York satisfied the request of Gemini on the receipt of BitLicense resolvent to add ZCash to the number traded chinks. The license entered in August in 2015th is expensive enough, and to get her not so simply.

The parties mentioned in history, naturally, do not see nothing unusual herein. The State Department of Financial Services declared that accepted and identically carefully examines any requests.

“DFS does not own information about some political offering. That, if take place even, does not absolutely affect on the process of making decision a department”, — the representative of regulator declared.

Press secretary electoral staff Cuomo declared following:

“We value their support, but offering, regardless of their size, in any way does not influence on the actions governor as a public servant”.

Representative the Winklevoss twins, in turn, declared that brothers had supported and continue to support “many effective leaders in a country”. On his version, brothers decided to support the campaign governor Cuomo, as consider that he perfectly gets along at the work and “is an exactly that man that must head New York” and farther.

However in motion journalists found out that the Winklevoss twins governor did not support until now — donations 2018 year became the first, although Cuomo manages the state from 2011.

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