Published in
3 min readMar 14, 2020


Before talking about Masternode, it’s important to start to define what is a Node and afterwards what’s Masternode stand for.

Nodes are nothing but computational devices in the network used to host, validate, maintain the ledger copies, and secure the system. Normal nodes can have a partial reproduction of the ledger.

A masternode is a series of servers enabling a network. They are used to validate transactions that ordinary servers can’t handle, they allow features like private transactions, direct send and governance, so if nodes appear to be kids, we can consider Masternodes as Parents.

1-Why it’s a good idea to buy and set an OZTG Masternode?

*Average ROI of 350%/Year

*Voting right

You are also able to vote on essential developments happening within the blockchain

*2 tier system


Only masternodes do the validation process, thus making them instantaneous in real-time and enables real transactions using OZTG and can be used with merchants.

*Masternode can be sold anytime

2-Why Masternode is different from a normal Node

Masternodes contain the complete copy of the ledger, while normal nodes can have a partial replication. Normal nodes help in mining more coins as they concentrate on only mining.

3-The Difference Between Running a Masternode and Mining

A Masternode handle more functionality than a regular node, that’s why it requires an investment to run one.

Besides, people who run masternodes are highly motivated and are committed; therefore, they usually end up taking a massive chunk of the block rewards.

When you run a masternode, you have to hold or “stake” your coins and receive passive income called “Masternode reward”.

Besides all the advantages brought by Masternodes, they aren’t as electricity-consuming as mining is, which is a perfect point in this new ecological awareness world that we are living.

Just like it is with proof-of-stake mining, masternodes rely on users staking a specific amount of a cryptocurrency on the asset’s network. The main requirements for setting up masternode is purchasing a substantial amount of that currency in our case the amount to be a masternode on the OZEETY network is to buy and stake 10 000 OZTG (1370$ at this article date).

After you set up your computer as a server, the OZEETY core wallet set on your computer is now one of many nodes that supports the OZEETY blockchain. Operators can also contract a third party to run the server for them like the Milleniumclub.

As compensation, a Masternode owner usually gets a share of block rewards and share them with the blockchain’s miners. Usually, masternodes share 45 per cent of block rewards with the miners, while 10 per cent goes to the blockchain’s native treasury.

4-What are you going to gain

*On the OZEETY network you will have in average an annual ROI of 350%!

Masternode owners will be monthly rewarded in average 3500 OZTG/Masternode!

5-How to own and run a masternode?

*On OZEETY site located HERE

  • Using a third party like Milleniumclub HERE for only 0.03$ per day and per Masternode!
Millenium club hosting offer

If you need help for the setting, please join our Discord channel HERE




FlashGroup is a Corporation that brings together entities that evolve in the area of ​​divers such as Finance, Blockchain, Marketing, Consulting and CSR.