“Moon is not the Limit, We May Go Far Beyond the Moon” Interview with ORCA CEO and Co-Founder Natan Avidan

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4 min readJun 12, 2018

What inspired you to launch the project? What was your ultimate goal?

Me and ORCA co-founder Dima have been interested in blockchain for a while. Right from the get-go, we saw the massive potential behind the technology. There‘s something grand hidden in trustless networks. Initially, we wanted to establish a crypto bank to facilitate mass cryptocurrency adoption, but the legal requirements for financial institutions seemed too heavy for us.

Once we heard about Open Banking and the EU‘s new payment directive, everything just clicked into place, and we set the ORCA project in motion. Now we can bridge conventional banking with the world of cryptocurrency. The best part is that it can be done by creating a service platform. We don‘t have to become a financial institution anymore.

The ultimate goal was and still is the introduction of cryptocurrencies into the mainstream. We want to make crypto accessible and easy to use for everyone.

What is your primary advantage over the peers?

It is true there are other Open Banking platforms in development. Even banks themselves are creating API solutions to cater digital banking services for their users. What makes ORCA standout? We‘re committed to erasing the borders between traditional banking and cryptocurrencies. Crypto is an emerging assets class that appeals to the younger generation. We see many uprising synergies that will benefit our users. Open banking is radically decentralizing financial services, and cryptocurrencies are all about decentralization –that‘s one synergy coming right off the bat.

What lesson did you learn when working on the project?

Everything takes time. From platform development or hiring the right people to finalize partnership deals –adequate expectations must be put in place. Additionally, the blockchain sphere is always in flux presenting new and unexpected challenges on a daily basis. Also, every new challenge costs time.

What fields are the most promising for the blockchain technology development?

I think logistics and data storage, especially regarding data privacy and identity verification have the most potential. With so many sources of information available on the internet, there‘s an ever-increasing need to sift through the noise and find trustworthy data. The controversy surrounding fake news and Cambridge Analytica scandal are excellent examples.

What is the most efficient way to attract public attention?

It always depends on what kind of attention are we talking about. Screaming, making unrealistic claims and promising the moon tends to do the job. However, only temporarily.

Here at ORCA, we‘re building a platform for consumer application. Completing the ICO is an essential part of the project, however only a part of it. Once ICO finishes, the next phase begins. We’re taking a long-term view on this. Projects delivering real products let their work speak instead. In this respect, slow and steady wins the race.

How many people are there in your team?

At the moment we have 24 people in the team, and nine advisors are guiding us along the way.

In your opinion, what future awaits cryptocurrencies?

Well, there are more talks around crypto trading involving the world‘s largest banks. When they join the space, I expect significant capital inflows to come. On the other hand, the industry needs some uniform regulation to provide stability and safeguard amateur users from losing their hard-earned money.

It thinks right now we‘re in a kind of a lull, the market is somewhat stable and hovering around the same place. In my opinion, the market is waiting for the blockchain killer app to set the bulls on a rampage. To repeat me, to say that the potential behind cryptocurrency is enormous would be an understatement. Moon is not the limit; we may go far beyond the moon.

What are the significant risks that ICO developers have to face?

Having capable team members is crucial. I would say it‘s the most important thing. Initiating projects without people you can rely upon, and trust is a recipe for failure.

Moreover, a thick skin and the ability to think critically are also important. You would not believe how many people are pretending to be experts in blockchain or pretending to be someone else. The number of fake proposals we get for marketing services, investor relations or media outreach would blow your mind away.

Further, of course, time is of the essence. It‘s hard to plan complex projects efficiently not mentioning dedicating time for unexpected problems. Agile management techniques should be a priority.

What is more important, the underlying idea of the project or its development/marketing campaign/the team?

It‘s the mixture of the above. You need a reliable, relevant underlying idea to get the project up and running. The plan must be at least broadly in sync with the technological capabilities to verify that proposed solution is deplorable. When the concept is sound, you can give it to the marketing team and let them do their magic. As with anything sophisticated, all the moving parts must work in harmony to achieve results.

How do you relax after a stressful day at work?

Lately, I have been traveling all over the place. Whenever I get home, I try to spend time with my family. It‘s the best therapy for me.

Interview with ORCA’s CEO and Co-founder Natan Avidan prepared by ICObazaar. Registration to ORCA platform’s Whitelist is already open!

