ICO Chart — Capture Investors

ICO Chart
Published in
2 min readFeb 15, 2018

Launching an ICO can be an extremely effective fundraising tool. Finding investors to support your initial coin offering is crucial. Even if your marketing campaign is in place, capturing leads is not an easy task.

ICO Chart, offers you a lead-capturing service where interested investors can reach out to you and easily leave their contact information for you to follow up.

Try this for free in 3 simple steps…

Step 1: Complete your ICO profile.

ICO Chart Dashboard — Publish an ICO

Step 2: Upon our approval, form created to capture interested investors.

Lead Generation From

Step 3: View leads via your ICO dashboard.

ICO Chart Dashboard — Leads

This new feature from ICO Chart gives you another way to reach out and garner potential investors.

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ICO Chart

ICO Chart is an ICO online rating platform supported by investors, community and financial experts.