Weekly ICO Review — Starting from Feb 24

ICO Chart
Published in
1 min readFeb 11, 2018

We are excited to announce that starting from Feb 24, 2018, ICOchart.net will start doing a Live Stream on a weekly basis along with the ICOChart community to review and analyse upcoming ICO/TGE projects.

Every week we will be inviting Investors, Founders and Crypto Enthusiast to participate in our weekly live stream. We’re excited because we are going to be connecting with people from all around the globe.

If you want to us to feature an upcoming ICO project, drop us a comment below and send us the ICOchart.net company profile page and we will try our best to invite them.

To join our first ever weekly ICO review, please register to https://goo.gl/forms/AEJqkaApA3nqF4Kp1 and we will send you a special link to access our live stream page.



ICO Chart

ICO Chart is an ICO online rating platform supported by investors, community and financial experts.