Blockchain Markets Mature From Concepts to Companies

Collaboration Between Fintech and Regulators Spurs Blockchain Innovation Globally

Matthew Unger
2 min readFeb 25, 2018


If you are looking for global fintech innovation and blockchain infrastructure opportunities, watch the results coming out of the BC Securities Commission public consultation.

I have spent the past 10 days meeting with issuers, investors, and enforcement attorneys, compliance directors, tech team leads, and Chairmen of SEC and CSA securities regulatory bodies. Their insights on innovation are exciting.

Source: Business In Vancouver Magazine

Regulators throughout US and Canada discussed the advantages, risks, and challenges – from a compliance perspective – of implementing decentralized capital markets with immutable compliance documentation.

My first observation is how everyone we talked to wants to work together to ensure blockchain markets can be implemented without harm.

My second observation is that BC in Canada and US states like Delaware and Wyoming are positioning themselves to be national leaders in international digital commerce.

Projects such as Cryptokitties are successfully receiving ‘not a security’ or ‘utility token’ determinations, pre-approved by a North American regulator, the BC Securities Commission.

Now, the BC Securities Commission is asking the public for input on how to structure digital markets.

“We want members of the B.C. technology community to know that we value the input they’ve provided to date, and we’re eager to work with them on new ways to support innovation in this sector,” said Mark Wang, Director of Capital Markets Regulation at the BCSC. “This notice asks targeted questions to help us understand industry developments and how potential future action could impact the industry and investors.”

Check it out:

Find more details online at the BC Securities Commission

Join the conversations forming global fintech regulation and quality standards by submitting your own response.

BC Securities Commission Public Consultation Information Line:
604–899–6854 or 1–800–373–6393 (toll free)

Matthew Unger is CEO of iComplyICO, an automated compliance protocol that enables ICO issuers, security token platforms investors to both launch and trade tokens in compliance with global securities, identity, and privacy regulations.

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Matthew Unger

Entrepreneur, CEO at @iComply Investor Services, board of directors @SurfriderFoundation, advisor, @Forbes author.