#4 Weekly Updates on IDA

Steve Cho
Published in
3 min readMay 22, 2020

Dear ICONists,

There have been many great news and updates from IDA members in the last week. Check out the activities of SOMESING and VELIC!

Partnership among crypto exchanges: VELIC, PROBIT, Dcoin

VELIC, who recently joined IDA, made a partnership with Dcoin and PROBIT, who have been actively working on the global stage. The three exchanges have developed a consortium to nurture global blockchain projects. They announced that this consortium would support listing and other activities on projects.

.. and SOMESING, another member of IDA, has been selected as the very first project getting support from the consortium!

Check out the details on here: Link1, Link2

Continuing from the news above, SOMESING has got listed on 5 global exchanges at once — VELIC, PROBIT, COINEAL, SENbit, and bithumb SG. Now SSX tokens are available on 6 exchanges including the new 5 and Dcoin exchange.

This can bring positive impacts on the ICON ecosystem as more and more IRC2 based tokens would be traded, generating greater transactions on the ICON mainnet. From IRC2 token-based projects’ point of view, there were obstacles to get listed on exchanges so far as most exchanges in the world are based on ERC20 and not supporting IRC2 smart contract. Thanks to the VELIC partnership and SOMESING getting listed, however, IRC2 tokens would be able to get listed on crypto exchanges as more and more are supporting IRC2 smart contract. We could’ve seen the possibility via SOMESING’s listings.

SOMESING has been taking big steps forward last week

SOMESING is making various partnerships through a week or two — partnerships with PayCoin, TJ Communication, SL Studio, and JYP Entertainment, which is the biggest K-pop entertainment company in Korea. You got to check out the links attached to the names above.

Along with SOMESING’s move, more and more activities are coming up from IDA members in the new era of “Untact” services. With the new trend, SOMESING is getting greater daily activated users(DAU) and new daily postings hit 1,200 on average.

weBloc Asia is also preparing the launch of the update version of PAYWOK service in this regard — untact, online and mobile centered services will gain greater attention and ICON mainnet will play the biggest role in developing such an environment. Blockchain services will add more real-world value as SOMESING and weBloc Asia are doing, expanding ICON’s ecosystem.

IDA have kept having weekly meetings from the beginning to figure out the cooperation points and ways to grow ICON ecosystem further — we are sharing the meeting content on the ICON community forum. IDA welcomes all questions from ICONists and potential IDA members!

As all members are Korean, the main language here would be Korean, using the KR forum on the ICON community. Check out the following link:https://forum.icon.community/c/kr/38 — you would get the idea with the help of Google translation.

Please vote for P-Rep IDA Members

weBloc Asia, Deblock with STAYGE , Signal9 have been participating in the ICON network working as Main /Sub P-Reps. We need more support from ICONists around the globe to maintain the development and operation of dApp services, which WILL eventually advance the ICON ecosystem.

If you want to learn more about IDA and its work, please stay tuned.

Thank you so much to all ICONists showing interests and support on IDA. Please do not hesitate to ask any questions to us via the contact information below.

Contact Information



Steve Cho

ICONFi Growth Lead, Blockchain Enthusiast, Tech-savvy, Communication Expert,Kor-Eng Interpreter & Translator. https://twitter.com/steve_minsoocho