Published in
1 min readMay 7, 2019

📰 News

Official Dev Event — 1 million ICX for Grab in ICON TX (Transaction) Challenge. Here’s How to Apply

DApp — Velic’s IAO (link)

Official May AMA — Go to Reddit and leave your questions! Ricky will answer (here)

👂Community Buzz

This week is very busy with P-Rep candidate team’s activities!

A Newsletter from ICONNECT team (link)

ICONation Team launches — Aegis, the ICON blockchain stored into a MySQL database (link)

A Comprehensive biweekly update from Paradigm (link)

📸Tweet of the week

Awww ICON Swag 🐶! Plus, It’s a series by ICONation! So excited to see the next one.

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2019 September — The new era of the ICON Network begins with the Public Representative Election. Visit https://icon.community