icon.community Objectives

Published in
2 min readJan 22, 2019

All-in-one Portal icon.community

We have a lot of ICON related websites scattered all over the place, information is sometimes difficult to find. This website aims to become the all-in-one portal for all ICONists, this includes but not limited to DAPP information, utility tools, token market information, block producer information, block explorers, wallets, exchanges, dev resources, various events and campaign information and so on.

More Focused

Initiatives by icon.community will be more focused and better aligned with the foundation’s current roadmap. Ideas will be clearly defined and proposed during different phases. There will be much less random ideas, distractions, and general chats.

More Support

While still 100% driven by the community with total control and flexibility, the foundation will be supporting in a number of ways throughout.

Content — There will be materials provided by the foundation for the purpose of content creation, redistribution, marketing and other activities

Human resource — For higher requirement tasks, eg. local meet ups, the foundation will evaluate and provide human resource to help organize these events.

Funding — If the proposal is sound and require funding support, the foundation will evaluate case-by-case and provide necessary funding upon approval.

How to take part?

We’re currently looking for

1) Front end developers who can help implement icon.community website (HTML, CSS, JS)
2) Back end developers who can help develop icon.community website (Python)
3) Designers who can create branding assets, web page elements for icon.community
4) Content Producers who can write blog articles
5) Influencers and evangelists who can help redistribute content to different social channels
6) Translators who can translate content for respective regions
7) People good with math, who can understand and accurately calculate some key numbers from staking rewards to P-Rep ROIs.
8) Strategists who can come up w strategies to better shape the initiatives and the community
9) Moderators who can help monitor the channel to ensure quality conversations
10) Other ways to help are all welcomed

Join our movement!

Website: https://icon.community

Twitter: https://twitter.com/iconcm

Telegram: https://t.me/iconcm

Medium: https://medium.com/iconcm

Email: support@icon.community

