ICON’s Journey Towards Mass Adoption (Become a P-Rep)

Min Park
Published in
3 min readJun 24, 2019

ICONSENSUS is the core process of our project that should serve as a game changer for the whole blockchain industry.

It starts with the election of Public Representatives (P-Reps) that will sustain the network decentralization and Community Representatives (C-Reps) whose main task will be to support interchain communication. The main goal behind creating this network is to give multiple startups a possibility to present their dApps to the mass audience. The most prominent of them will eventually be funded to ensure the further growth of their user base and incentivize the growth of ICON Ecosystem as a whole.

Vote, Spread, Disrupt

These are the three cornerstones of the ICONSENSUS. Here’s what is required from all the ICON Network participants in order to get closer to our ultimate purpose.

Vote: ICONists delegate their stake to P-Reps through voting and thus grant them the rights to make important decisions on the network development.

Spread: once representatives are elected, the project spreads with the help of numerous projects and campaigns. All participants have their own role. ICONists vote on Ecosystem Expansion Projects, C-Reps connect ICON with other blockchain networks. The ultimate goal is to assign rewards to specific decentralized apps via DApp Booster Program.

Disrupt: ICONSENSUS aims to bring innovation to numerous communities, disrupt traditional approach towards apps’ creation and gain mass adoption by winning over small communities, one by one.

We need you!

Every participant of our network matters. The more people and communities join our network, the faster will be its growth and the more profits each participant will be able to make. Here’s what you can do:

As a P-Rep

  • Gain rewards through innovative token economics.
  • Become the leader of the ICON Community, one of the largest blockchain networks in the world.
  • Connect with other participants of the network via ICONgress to push adoption of the ICON technology.

As an ICONist

Each participant of our network is an ICONist. The vote of every person matters, and the more you vote, the higher will be your contribution and eventually the reward. Here’s what may serve as an incentive for you to delegate your votes to specific candidates:

  • The representatives that you elect will be able to produce and verify blocks to make the network secure.
  • Make use of your right to govern the network by delegating authority to those who match your beliefs.
  • Get rewards for your activities.

Select the role that suits you best and join our Network. The project’s release will be announced soon, so keep your eyes open!

>>See the Full List of P-Rep Candidates

