The Composition of ICON Representatives

Min Park
Published in
3 min readJun 10, 2019

For every system, no matter how technically oriented it is, people have always been and continue to be the main moving power. ICON Network is not an exclusion from this rule.

As we have already mentioned in the previous articles, the ICON representatives fall into 2 main categories: C-Reps (Community Representatives) and P-Reps (Public Representatives).

Who are the network representatives that are the cornerstone to our project? What is their role and how can one make an advantage from participation? Let’s find out.


A C-Rep represents a Community that is somehow connected to the ICON Network. This representative possesses the following characteristics:

  • Is elected via autonomous decision-making
  • Serves as a connection between ICON Network and the Community
  • Validates transactions on the ICON Network
  • Proposes and votes for new policies


Being a part of the ICON Network, a P-Rep has a lot in common with a C-Rep and has the same authority and duties. However, there are some core characteristics that make this position different:

  • Doesn’t belong to any specific Community
  • Is elected with accordance to his or her contribution to the network with the help of delegated rights from other ICONists
  • Verifies transactions
  • Proposes and votes for the policies that serve to promote overall ICONist interests

Qualifications for the Representatives

Regardless of their position, the network representatives are obliged to meet certain qualifications in order to maintain their positions. Here’s what is required of them:

  1. Understanding of the Ecosystem. Needless to say that each representative has to be the part of the ICON Network and do his or her best to contribute to its stability. Therefore, an understanding of the ecosystem is essential.
  2. Technical requirements. It’s not enough to simply join the network. Each participant also has to possess hardware of the appropriate specifications in order to generate the new blocks in a stable manner.

Those candidates that meet appointed requirements and possess the highest level of delegated ICX from other ICONists will be elected as representatives.

The Advantages of Becoming a P-Rep

Participation in the ICON Network is not only about duties, of course. Being a representative of our network, you will get a bunch of perks, such as:

  • Rewards for producing & verifying blocks
  • Rewards for receiving votes
  • Participation in the network governance
  • Community reputation
  • New business opportunities

How to Become a P-Rep

In order to join the ICON Network as its public representative, visit ( and register your team for the ICON P-Rep election campaign.

When filling the application, you will need not only to describe your capability to operate as block producer but also the reason why the community should vote for you with the ecosystem proposal (see detailed guide here). We welcome motivated people in our project, so don’t limit yourself when working on this section.

The on-chain registration of P-Reps begins in August 2019. A race between the candidates have already begun, It’s never too late for you to join today.

>>See the Full List of P-Rep Candidates

