ICONFi VIP User interviews: Amanda’s Story

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3 min readAug 11, 2022

Dear ICONFi users,

Following the previous interview, ICONFi would like to introduce another ICONFi user. At this time ICONFi had an interview session with Amanda, currently working as a medical advisor.

“Back in 2017, I became interested in crypto assets and started to invest in crypto assets. Since then, I became interested in DeFi products and NFTs. But I set aside a certain amount of my crypto assets for earning passive income. So I keep some BTC and ETH on ICONFi which I don’t intend to trade.”

(source: google)

Amanda said that she is very prudent in investing. To bear the bear markets, she tapped into the DCA approach.

DCA refers to ‘Dollar-Cost-Averaging’, which means spreading out money over a certain period of time and making purchases automatic so that the total price paid is less affected by market timing.

She said that she doesn’t have a plan to purchase more crypto assets right now, but when the market bounces back, she would like to buy more crypto and HODL it on ICONFi.

“I think HODLing a certain amount of crypto assets in a CeFi platform is a much better choice for managing your assets than trading them. That’s why I always keep 20% of my crypto assets allocated to the CeFi platform. ICONFi is providing greater APYs than other competitors. Now crypto assets are the majority of my net worth.”

(source: google)

Adding to the high interest rates as the reason why she uses ICONFi, she picked another factor — simplicity.

“ICONFi is super easy to use — which I love the most. It is as easy as your grandmother can use. Thanks to the user-friendly interface, I have experienced pretty good moments with ICONFi so far.”

But she also shared her recent concerns about CeFi platforms after the trust on CeFi had stumbled due to the recent incidents in the industry.

“I would be lying if I said I wasn’t a little concerned about having my assets on ICONFi due to what has been happening in the overall market. However, I saw the ICONFi team has consistently shown their state as secure. I think it’s a good idea to keep the community in the know during times of distress like this so that they know their funds aren’t at risk being on ICONFi. I decided to trust their words and continue to keep my assets on ICONFi.”

(source: google)

The ICONFi team was very pleased and thankful, listening to her positive feedback in the interview session, but also confirmed once again the fact that users want to know if ICONFi is trustworthy in the midst of market turmoil.

To establish trust between ICONFi and its users, ICONFi has already kept in mind what Amanda said, and is trying to seek for more transparent operations and share information about what happens to user’s crypto assets.


If you have any questions or feedback, please open a ticket at #support channel on https://discord.gg/YdWsjaW8Eh.

About ICONFi

ICONFi is a digital asset savings platform that provides simple and intuitive earn products so that anyone can easily multiply crypto assets. ICONFi aims to simplify the complicated processes often associated with crypto assets and offers a sleek, straightforward user interface which supports saving, staking and airdrop activities at the palm of your hand.

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