1,000,000 icons and counting

Hooray! Today we hit a big milestone. We finally reached one million icons. We have spent 8 years getting to 500,000 icons in 2015. But in a year we have now doubled in size. Currently, around 50,000 new icons are added to Iconfinder per month.

Ieva Andriuleviciute
The Iconfinder Blog



At this joyful moment, we would like to thank our contributing icon designers, who bring their work to our platform and keep surprising us with their creativity and skills.

Visualizing one million icons

Let’s try a fun experiment to visualize how many icons one million are. If icons of the size of 128 x 128 pixels are displayed on a 72 dots per inch monitor, each icon would have a dimension of 1.8 inches. If you then align them next to each other, end-to-end, they would stretch for 1,800,000 inches. That’s 28 miles or 45 kilometers. You could align this amount of icons more than 10 times back and forth along the length of Central Park in New York. Or, if stacked vertically, it would be 5 times higher than Mount Everest.

Ensuring quality and diversity of icons

With the huge growth in quantity, we continue to retain our high quality standards, as the submissions to Iconfinder are still manually reviewed by our team (great job, Scott). During the years the creativity and quality of submissions never cease to surprise us, as one can find everything that could possibly be imagined in the Iconfinder collection. The icon sets range from types of sneakers, Futurama characters, presidential candidates and (of course) Kanye, to Audi sunsets and sex toys. With both the most popular icons and surprising little gems, we have our users covered for all the instances.

The competitions continue

While on a journey towards one million icons, we have announced two competitions to win either an iPad Pro + Apple Pencil or a special trip to Copenhagen. We are delighted to see loads of engagement from our community and would like to remind that the competitions are still running until the 1st of July. The winners will be announced no later than 5th of July. So hurry up, upload the icons, or tweet about our milestone using #OneMillionIcons, if you haven’t done so yet. More information about the competitions can be found here: www.iconfinder.com/one-million-icons


Greetings from
The Iconfinder Team

