Unlimited Downloads and new Formats for Iconfinder Pro Members

As more and more designers join Iconfinder Pro, we are focusing on making the service even better. Starting with two major improvements. First off Pro members now get two new highly requested formats. And for the heavy users, we are announcing the new Iconfinder Pro Unlimited membership.

Martin LeBlanc
The Iconfinder Blog


Two new formats — Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop Shapes


By popular demand Iconfinder Pro members now have even greater choice in formats, when downloading icons. In addition to SVG and PNG, you can now also download icons in Adobe Illustrator AI format for and Adobe Photoshop’s custom shapes format, CSH.

Since Photoshop does not support SVG files natively, CSH is a great vector based alternative.


Once you have downloaded an icon and double clicked the file, it will be available in Photoshop’s custom shape tool

. The icon will be available next time you open Photoshop, so this is ideal for icons you use often.

Introducing Iconfinder Pro Unlimited


With the launch of Iconfinder Pro, we took a big step towards making Iconfinder a first class design tool, removing watermarks in the search results and making it easy for designers to try out different icons for their projects. But, even though icons are much more affordable for Pro members, some users still saw the 100 downloads as a creative limit.

So, as of February 1st, we now offer an unlimited membership for $29/month — at the same price as the old 100 downloads plan. Iconfinder Pro Unlimited means that you now have pretty much total creative freedom to try out the number of icons you need for your projects. And, if you are not yet a Pro member, you can still start off by signing up for the Starter membership for $9/month.

The new Iconfinder Pro memberships:

Starter — $9, access to all formats, 25 monthly downloads
Unlimited — $29, access to all formats, unlimited downloads

Read more about Iconfinder Pro

New, simpler pricing for teams

When we launched Iconfinder Pro back in September 2014, we built it for both freelancers and teams. Especially for teams we included features for easy management, shared downloads and combined payment and invoicing.

With the launch of Iconfinder Pro Unlimited we also simplified the pricing for teams. So, now, instead of picking a plan depending on the size of your team, you simply pay $29/month for the first member and $19/month for any additional team member. All come with unlimited downloads.

Questions and answers


Can I still get a discount by signing up for a yearly membership?

Yes. If you choose to sign up for a yearly paid membership, you get a discount equivalent of two free months.

How come not all icons are available in AI and CSH formats?

Only vector icons are available in AI and CSH. And only glyph vector icons are available in CSH, since CSH only allows for a shapes, not full blow vector graphics.

Is Iconfinder Pro Unlimited truly unlimited?

Well yes, if you download icons for the intended use. Meaning that, if you use Iconfinder to download the icons you need for your projects, or try out different icons as part of your design process, you can download as many as you and your team needs. But, if you intend to misuse your membership by scraping the site or otherwise attempt mass downloading, this is not considered intended use. You can read the legal definition in the Terms of Service.



Martin LeBlanc
The Iconfinder Blog

Founder+CEO of @iconfinder, co-organizer of the @forgecph conference and @dribbble meetups