Winners of #OneMillionIcons competitions

Last couple of months have been very special to Iconfinder. In just a month and a half we have added 100,000 new icons to the marketplace, going beyond 1,050,000 in total.

Ieva Andriuleviciute
The Iconfinder Blog


Since we have announced our Twitter competition, we have received 486 tweets celebrating our #OneMillionIcons.

Thank you all who have been part of this! It means a world to us seeing the growing community of iconists and icon enthusiasts.

And now it’s time to announce the winners.

Winners of the Twitter competition

We have selected four winners of our Twitter competition. Three will receive Iconfinder goodie bags and one lucky one will travel to Copenhagen and be part of our Dribbble meetup in September. Yay!

So here they are.

Winners of goodie bags:

Winner of the trip to Copenhagen:

Congrats to the winners! Please contact us at to sort out the details. Put ‘Winner of Twitter competition’ as the email title. And Luke, we’re looking forward to meeting you in Copenhagen!

Winner of the contributors’ competition

Iconfinder’s mission is to help designers make a living doing what they love. We hope this little prize will contribute to making the icon design process smoother.

The iPad Pro and Apple Pencil goes to:

Creative Stall

Congratulations! We will contact you shortly.

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To the rest of our amazing participants — stay tuned for the upcoming competitions. We promise more surprises in the future.

