ICONOCLASM INTERVIEW SERIES SUBJECT #4 — Colt Cabana, Pro Wrestler, Comedian, Content Creator
I’m a huge believer in both the significance of numbers and the ability to sit patiently in accordance with the universe and allowing it to provide you with your most ideal creative direction. Thus, on the weekend after the first anniversary of the 2016 Presidential Election, on Saturday, November 11, 2017, I decided to take a chance on myself and invest time, effort and energy into honing my best creative self. The result is “Iconoclasm.” It’s a regular series of interviews (possibly eventually more) wherein, in accordance with the definition of the word “iconoclasm,” I decided to throw caution to the wind and assertively challenge people whose creative output I cherish, and via their production have created beliefs, values, and practices that have significantly altered the course of my life.
What I have done is sent an email of introduction and thanks to a select, and diverse crew of people who have aided in my journey to joy as a creative being, and as well, been key in my discovery of a sense of empowerment via self-expression. I noted that I wanted to interview them because “something tells me that given the era with which we’re presently confronted, that there’s something significant in being able to empower those who may be nervous about discovering their own best selves as unique…